I'm not really sure why RB does this, but using it seems to give me higher compression reading and result then other programs. I always look at a movie in Nero recode first to check the compression levels, and then when I see the levels in RB they are always several percent points lower. I'm not positive, but I think the reason for this may be in the finished product being with RB its always 4.3 gigs and with nero it gives me a total size of 4,459 MB. A little help would really be appreciated.
The default target size in RB is 4.32GB, i.e. 2236400 sectors. It is set that way for a few reasons: 1) to prevent oversizing, 2) so it won't reach maximum size limit for burning very close to the outer edge of the DVD as the quality may degrade faster overtime on the outer edge and it is more prone to scratches. However, if you like to overcome the default target size, then enter the TargetSectors line under [Options] in rebuilder.ini. e.g. TargetSectors=2236400 Here's the formula in predicting the output size accurately, give or take a minor MB difference due to encoding variance: Target_Size = TargetSectors x 2048 x 1.015 The 1.015 adjustment represents the overhead (navpacks, packet headers, etc.) that is multiplexed with the video/audio/subpics during Rebuild stage. There's also another similar formula by Robot1 (author of RB-Opt): Target_Size = TargetSectors * 2 * 1.013 / 1024
klemperal, If you take 4459 and divide that by 1024 then you get 4.35 which is close to 4.32 which is what you are getting in DVD-RB toaddub , Very good explanation of the target size