I picked up a Philips DVD recorder and I cannot find a way to get past the copyright protection system from disks when I record from a DVD. The system itself I think is incredible but there has to be a way past that. I'm a total newbie who loves gadgets, but knows nothing about the stuff. Help anyone?
Need more info, kokuei. You are going from a DVD player to a standalone DVD recorder via analog video/audio cables? If so, you need to get past the macrovision copy protection via a magic box connected in between.
Sorry about that... I have a philips dvdr985(home system standalone recorder) and I was using my sony dvd player as the source. The connection being used is the analog cable(red, white, yellow), although I do have other options for connecting them, I have some clue that this works. I was informed that the macrovision copy protection can be removed between dvd to vhs copy. I was also informed by a thread on this forum that the macrovision remover wont work on this philips because it uses another type of code. Is this true? And if so, how can I truly get past the copyprotect? Help anyone?
...actually I just lied. I was informed by a thread on a different forum that the Philips dvdr985 uses a different copyprotection system than the macrovision. I love the recorder- but I'd love it more if I can get it to do what I would like it to.
It's probably CGMS. There's a device called DVE773 you may want to investigate further. http://www.dvnation.com/dve.html
I also have a DVDR985. Has anybody actually tried the DVE733 "Gold Box" from DV Nation? Does anybody have experience with this company? Let me know if you have any success. I have a pile of my kids' videos I want to consolidate to DVD. Thank you.