I'm not sure if I am i the right department here, but how do I go about backing up my software. Is it similar to backing-up my DVD's Regards Ally
1. You'll definitely get a better response from CDR. -Moved- 2. It depends on what you are trying to backup, if and what protection it has etc. It's all case by case.
Thanks for the replies, I wish to back up my copies of Roxio Easy CD Creater 5 and VideoWave 5 Power Edition and so on. Is this just a case of one disc into the CD-Rom and the other into the Rewriter and copy or does the originating disc need to be 'decrypted' so to speak. Cheers Ally.
Do yourself a huge favor and go to add\remove and unistall Roxio Easy CD Cre(a)mater and install a freebie called burnatoce 0.99a. This cd burnin' program is "bad to the bone". burnatonce 0.99a http://www.burnatonce.com/downloads/ Shoey