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Weird problems with DVD/CDROMs in WinXP Pro

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Almighty1, Jul 25, 2002.

  1. Almighty1

    Almighty1 Guest

    I am running Windows XP Professional. Previously, I had a external Philips OmniWriter 26 (Ricoh 6200S) 2x2x6 SCSI CD-RW and a Internal Pioneer DVD305S DVDROM drive connected to a Adaptec AHA2940UW UltraWide SCSI Host Adapter. I replaced the Philips SCSI CD-RW and have my HP ScanJet IIc scanner doing the SCSI termination instead. I bought a HP DVD+RW 200e (200j in Device Manager) USB 2.0/FireWire (IEEE1394) Drive and have this connected via FireWire. I'm using Adaptec 4.71 ASPI layer with the required registry entries and have replaced the WNASPI32.dll in %systemroot%\system32 with the one from Nero as this one supports FireWire and USB devices while Adaptec's support on IDE/SCSI devices. The problem I seem to be having is that unless I had a CD inside each drive prior to Windows booting up, My Computer will see the drives but when a disc is inserted, it changed the DVD-ROM and DVD+RW/CD-RW to just CD Drive instead of
    the volume label on the CD and when I try to read the CD, it shows a empty folder with 0 bytes in size. When I goto Administrative Tools -> Computer Management under Computer Management (Local) -> Disk Management which runs the Logical Disk Management Service, it does update with the size of the disc but it doesn't show the volume label at all either. What I noticed under the Windows Registry Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} is that:


    The UpperFilters were always like this. The LowerFilters were changed when the DVD+RW drive is added as it adds the
    hpcd2k.sys, pxhelp20.sys, drvmcdb.sys to the list of drivers loaded. The pxhelp20.sys is a PxHelper Device Driver for Windows 2000 from Veritas Software.
    the drvmcdb.sys is a device driver from Veritas Software. the hpcd2k.sys shows to be CD Filter Driver version 5.0.2195.1
    Windows (R) 2000 DDK provider from Microsoft 1981-1999. Anyone has any ideas what could be causing the problems I'm experiencing or what the last 3 drivers are actually used for? The weird part is I can burn CD-R's fine. Thanks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2002
  2. Pio2001

    Pio2001 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 20, 2002
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    I use Windows98, I can forget the volume label if I have the auto insert notification turned off :-( It is not updated. Or very seldom. Usually, I see the volume label of the CD that was in the drive when I turned on the computer during all the Windows session.
  3. Almighty1

    Almighty1 Guest

    It's not the same as the Win98 problem since in Win98, all you do is hit F5 and refresh the screen and it will update the label. Atleast you can double click and see the contents of the CD. With this one, it works a different way since it thinks the CD is empty.
  4. Almighty1

    Almighty1 Guest

    It seems the problem is with the ASPI layer since when I accidentally replaced the Adaptec ASPI layer with 4.60 (1021), the drives work correctly in Windows but not with burning software as Adaptec's ASPI layers don't support Firewire/USB drives so maybe the Nero ASPI layer just has some bugs in it still.

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