Has anyone backed up the above? I get some sort of Not Supported Region error when I try to run the dycrypted one off my Hard Disk. Does DVD Dycrypter remove the region coding of Simpsons Series One?
It does but if it in a different region from the drive you are trying to rip it on, you will get that error, unless you have it RPC 1. DVD decrypter will allow you to force the rip anyway. Try the new DVD DEcrypter that was out today. Oh, I have it backed up :-D
My drives are RPC 1. I ripped Simpsons series one onto my hard disk but when I run the vobs via Power DVD they do not open. If I burn the VOBs would they work?? Thanks for replying,
If its just VOB's, you will need to create an IFo file in IFOEdit or something. You could alternatively run add the VOB's to a project in TMPGEnc DVD AUthor and it will do it for you.
I thought DVD Dycrypter removed region settings and turns all dycrypted dvds into region 0. So bascially simpsons region 1 cannot be dycrypted, dvd2oned and burned via nero? Do you mean to tell me it needs to be copied in a different way? If it does then thats a shame cos I thought the Dycrypter, dvd2one, nero combo was unbeatable.
open the ifo files in ifoedit and get rid of the region protection. Every once in a while i have to do this even though it should have been done already._X_X_X_X_X_[small]V4 PS2, flip top, SMD, CDLoader Pioneer 105, Memorex 4X DVD-R DVD Shrink, DVD Decrypter, Nero[/small]