Pardon me, if I wish to replace my current hardrive with another one, the hardrive I am going to replace it with most be unlocked before I can switch it correct?
ok, is your xbox modded? hardmod or softmod? is the hard drive you are replacing it with from another xbox? if the hard drive is ftom another xbox you must get the eeprom.bin from that xbox and unlock the hard drive with xboxhdm, then if you have a hard mod i think you can just put it in and lock it with your xbox, if it is a softmod you need to ftp to it and get your eeprom.bin and lock it to your xbox and put it in.
The hardrive is not from my xbox, it is from another xbox and it is alredy unlocked. My xbox is softmoded, but my xbox hardrive is messed up hence i can't FTP. It has error 16 i've tryed to hotswap it but it isn't working for me I have tryed almost everything to get to hotswap(no logo comes out but I was told I could still get it done if I do it right before the error). If I rememebr right I switched hardrives with another xbox long time ago and it worked fine but I don't remember really good.
I tryed that alredy and it didn't work but I don't think i tryed it more then 2 times, could it really be possible even tho the microsoft logo doesn't show up? I read somewere that it is not possible at all if there is no logo but somewere else I read that it is possible with no logo.
It varies, the Error 12 trick is actually showing the error before the logo has a chance to appear. You other bet is to build an eeprom reader and start fresh, it's not that hard!
I'm not very familar with the error 12 trick so I am going to read around to find out what the trick is, or if you want to explain it to me that would be awesome. I really appreciate your help and if you can get me to fix it would be great! thanks again
I kinda already explained it. The Xbox boots and does a series of checks. It just so happens that it checks for a DVD drive to be working before it loads the 'Xbox' screen. Basically, the console displays an Error 12, but still unlocks the drive! That's it!