Ok i softmodded my xbox alomost like 2 years ago now im back again to softmod my new xbox. Ok i heard of this Ndure this but it seems complicated and what not. So i have slpinter cell and i need to know whats the newer softmod and could someone give me the files i need to put on my Memory card please i just need the files and yes i have searched on this and have seen so many im lost please help me thx
Ok great tut but when i get connected to My XBOX it says connection failed i set everything to manual even my pc and on the Flash i set it to
Ok, I'm assuming you've looked at the FTP tutorial I provided also... Give me your settings? iF you can provide a screenshot of you 'ipconfig /all' that would be great! * Which cable type? * PC IP Address * Xbox IP Address * Username & Password
Ok im using a ethernet cable PC Settings IP Address- Subnet Mask- Default Gateway- Xbox Settings IP ADDRESS- SubNet MASK- Gateway- Xbox DNS Servers treid Auto and maual but here are manual settings Primary DNS- ALTERNATE DNS- FLASHFXP SETTINGS Site name-My XBOX Ip ADDRESS- User name-xbox password-xbox port-21 ************************* Ok sorry for no pics i had them but i could not upload for some reason hope all the info helps
Im really rusty, but why are you trying to connect to when your xbox's IP address is
FlashFXP already knows the address of your PC. You need to input the address of the Xbox ( **Note** I have noticed a lot of people are confused about the DNS addresses. They are for host name resolutions for internet addresses. They are NOT for FTP!
Ok...yes my brother is running a firewall on his pc but i just use the internet from his pc...i run a wire connected to his router to my router... my ethernet cable that im using is connected to my router not directly to my pc do i need to connect it to my pc.
Ok...yes my brother is running a firewall on his pc but i just use the internet from his pc...i run a wire connected to his router to my router... my ethernet cable that im using is connected to my router not directly to my pc do i need to connect it to my pc.
BAM!!! (Gets hit with with huge fish) You never said anything about this bizarre network you have! You also didn't mention the router... Are you sure it's a router, not a switch? If it's a router, which one is the DHCP server? Yours or your brothers? Have you configured for the Xbox in the router? Can you communicate with the other computer?
all i know is that my brother has all the internet installed in his room no one in the house has internet so he has a router i pluged my wire in to his router into my switch im guessing its a switch cause it say soho switch 8 on the front then from my switch i have a wire to my xbox and a cross-over wire to my pc im pretty sure my bro has the server and yes i can get access to his pc from mine i believe
Ok, from your side you need to know what your ip address is! Start > Run > Type 'cmd' > Type 'ipconfig /all' That will give you the ip address of your PC! I need: IP Address Subnet Mask Connect your Xbox to the switch with a Straight through cable. Your PC can also be connected via Straight through. I'll give you the Xbox settings when you give me your PC one!
Ok My PC settings ipconfig/all..../do i need to set my PC to auto or Manual IP IP ADDRESS= SUBNET MASK= Default Gateway= DHCHP= DNS SERVERS= My Setup up for my xbox and pc of now is... "Straight cable from xbox to router....Cross-over from router to PC.....Straight cable from router to my brothers router in his room.
Ok, firstly, you don't have a router! You have a switch! Xbox is Static (Manual) Xbox IP: Xbox Subnet: Xbox Default Gateway: Forget about DNS... Use the tutorial again to start the FTP.
ok chunkhead i got the softmod installer delux 4 on my xbox i creat a EEPROM back up and a ms backup then after its done patching i see a unleasehed X sign pop up i then eject my game when the disc trays emmeditly goes back in and take me to the ms dashboard i dnt know what im doing wrong
ok Chunkhead i guess ive completely screwed my xbox up well not quite i have Krazyie nudre install on i have the unleasedx dash when i try to copy halo 2 to my xbox it says An erroe occured while copying'D' erroe code 112