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ultra WEIRD problem! BadMedia? Bad Player? Bad Burner?

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by usr777, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. usr777

    usr777 Guest

    Im old doing this, but its WEIRD.
    MyPC: 1.2ghz, 384Ram
    Burner: LG
    Software: Nero6,DVDShrink,sometimes DVDXCOPY
    HomeDvd(Samsung 223)
    Media Maxel DVD-R

    I backed up A LOT of movies, and watched Nicely in my Samsung s223. Then Someday Somehow EVERY BACKUP STOP WORKING! but the TEST dvd-rw still working, the VCDS works, the SVCD Works, the MP3 cd Works, the Rented DVD Works!!!
    EVERYTHING BUT THE DAMN BACKUPS! ( and i shall repeat ) I Watched the DAMN movies on the SAME backups. They JUST refuse to keep working!

    Does Samsung Sucks? i cleaned the DVDs! cleaned the laser lens.

    The techniciasns say: "ITS TOO WEIRD!, please let me keep the DVD-R to send to the MAIN OFFICE to test purposes!" they didnt have an answer, and also changed the Mainboard and Laser Lens of the DVD.

    any Comment?

    I need a little help!
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    You can rule out computer and media by playing on a different computer.

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