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avi2dvd question

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by revbama, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. revbama

    revbama Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Im trying to convert avi to dvd (obviously) using avi2dvd. its creating an audio file no problem but then the log says "Start creating avisynth script ...". What am i supposed to do from there?
    any help would be appreciated.
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    It's not an easy thing to do, and you're supposed to know AVISynth quite well.

    You see, AVI2DVD hasn't some capabilities like 'resizing' and uses AVISynth as a frameserver to do that.

    If you install AVISinth you can simply resize a movie by opening a plain ASCII file you can called, for instance, MyMovie_to_DVD.avs written so:


    a = (720/Xavi)*Yavi and
    b = 0.5*(576-a)

    Instead of LanczosResize you can put BilinearResize, BicubicResize and so on.

    so the new movie will be 720x576 resize keeping aspect ratio + black borders which fill the screen.

    AVI2DVD is good but requires being quite an expert.

    I would stick with TMPGenc or purchase a DVD player capable to read AVI (DivX or XviD) movies. Less work to do and money saved (a DVD contains 1 DVD movie but, if used a DVD-Rom, contains 4500 MB of AVI movies that is 3 'excellent' AVI movies or 6 good ones).
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2007
  3. revbama

    revbama Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    thank you for that information. It was quite useful.
  4. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    You shouldn't have to do anything, once started the entire process is automated. Using HCenc set at best produces excellent results (although it is quite slow). You don't need to know anything about scripts as it does not allow any user input. Although a bit quirky, if set up correctly and it agrees with your system it should be a painless conversion.

    You can check the forum here:


    A similar program (HCenc must be dowloaded separately, but well worth it for it's excellent quality) is AVStoDVD. This app will allow you to alter the script and the video and audio bitrates if you like. I would choose Laczos4Resize and DGPulldown (the best way to convert framerates) in setup.

  5. keen3h

    keen3h Guest

    off topic a little, sorry!

    I have AVStoDVD, AVI2DVD and ConvertXtoDVD. Up until last week I was using avi2dvd for avi(23fps)s to 25fps and ConvertXtoDvd if the avi is already in pal format since its much faster than using avi2dvd. However while browsing the internet I found this thread about AVStoDVD.

    Now I tried this the other night. I was amazed with the speed of HCenc with this AVStoDVD program and I cant understand why its faster than avi2dvd? Also does AVStoDVD convert framerate like avi2dvd? As for quallity theres no different although avi2dvd seems to keep the video's dynamic colours better and AVStoDVD seems to lighten the video slightly.

    Back to the framerate yeah in avi2dvd theres normally a command assumefps(25) however in AVStodvd script I dont see it.

    Video = DirectShowSource("C:\blah.avi", convertfps=true, audio=false)
    Audio = DirectShowSource("C:\blah.avi", video=false).Normalize()
    AudioDub(Video, Audio)
    #Using DGPulldown to upsize FPS

    convertfps=true // arent you surpose to tell it what framerate you want like fps=25, convertfps=true

    Am not exactly wise to this stuff but am just making assumptions so please help me out does AVStoDVD convert framerate, Ive checked the webreviews and I cant see anything. I dont know if its down to the settings dvd output fomat, its set to pal so maybe this cleverly coverts it to pal without informing you.

    Reading the web Ive discovered that they use DGpulldown and i see the command but does that actually tell it to convert to 25fps it just doesnt seem clear to me.

    #Using DGPulldown to upsize FPS

    it looks like a ## or // you use in coding to type a message that you dont want be shown.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2008
  6. slvrblt

    slvrblt Member

    Jan 14, 2008
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    Hi folks,

    I am trying to convert a PAL source to NTSC. The instructions I pulled from another forum suggested the procedure below, but I have been unable to successfully execute this. The errors I've been getting are based on the syntax of the Avisynth script provided. I have tried modifying the script, but have been unable to fix the issue. Any help or suggestions you could provide is appreciated.

    1. rip the DVD using SmartRipper

    2. use DVD2AVI with the video setting at NONE. No clipping or resizing either (we will use AVIsynth to change from PAL to NTSC resolutions)

    3. Load AVIsynth. make sure the ReverseFields.vdf filter is in the same folder as the AVIsynth script below so it can find it

    4. create my AVIsynth converting script based on the details below:

    function ReverseFields(clip clip, int "ShiftDown")
    LoadVirtualdubPlugin("ReverseFields.vdf", "_ReverseFields")
    return clip._ReverseFields(default(ShiftDown,1))

    5. save the AVIscript as something sensible (eg PAL2NTSC.avs)

    6. drag and drop that into CinemaCraft Encoder 2.50 (HAS to be 2.5 not higher)

    7. I then simply follow the excellent Robshot guide for 2-pass CCE encoding.
    Please note that it takes notably longer than doing a native NTSC file cos it is doing all the voodoo to get it over to an NTSC compatible file

    8. when CCE is finally done, use Pulldown.exe to 'fix' the file so it can be imported into the DVD authoring program

    =======AUDIO NOW============
    1. get the audio off DVD2AVI in the usual manner
    2. convert the file into a WAVE (using SoftEncode, or SoundForge or WinAmp or any other method you like)
    3. Open the WAVE file in CoolEdit2000. Remember the original film ran at 25fps and it will now run at 23.97 fps. SO you want the audio to be SLIGHTLY longer. You actually want the file to be 104.297% the length of the original. To do this, go to TRANSFORM....TIME/PITCH...STRETCH. Do a constant stretch, not gliding (stretch mode is TIME STRETCH, PRESERVE PITCH. Pitch & Time settings can be default; use high precision. In the ratio bit type in 95.90394. This will make the tempo slower JUST the right amount
    4. once it is done, I would advise re-encoding it back to whatever it came as (AC3 or MPA or whatever, so you can save space and get the highest video bitrate (as per RobShots page)
    =====END OF AUDIO===========

    Now throw both the NEW NTSC compliant and the NEW longer AUDIO into SpruceUp (or whatever) and make your chapters based on the original. I use ChapterXtractor to get the original chapter points, but bear in mind that your video is now slightly longer so your points will progressively get further along. But you can get a fairly obvious idea of where the chapter is supposed to be by looking at the actual movie at that point or shortly thereafter (not usually more than about 90 seconds further along)

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