Hello there new member posting i am new to the whole burning thing my problem is i tried to Burn a CD all seemed to be okay then i got the message write error when i played the cd back two tracks were missing can you help a complete idiot as to what i done wrong.Regards hagman777.
What specific cd did you backup? Did you burn a mix of mp3 music files? Did the error occur(playback) in all your drives? Try another free burning siftware and see if you encounter the same exact error. You "might" have ASPI layer conflicts..... burnatonce 0.99a http://www.burnatonce.com/downloads/ ASPI: http://cd-rw.org/articles/archive/aspisetup.cfm If installing ASPI then first untinstall Nero 5.x, then install ASPI, then re-install Nero 5.x Shoey
Hello there since posting i think that i have solved the problem dont ask me how i was using 1-48x compatible discs on a 52x CD-RW i made an alteration after the first burn and everything seems to work and i have burnt six cds off thanks for your reply.Regards hagman777
When did they come out with 52x burners!?? I missed something! My new Dell I'm getting ready to buy offers only 48x!