Ok this moring i was on the internet on my comp. as usaul. i went to sleep and 8 hours later i woke up. the computer was off. i turned it on and now it wont connect to the modem. My lptop work perfectly fine and thats how im on the internet now. i have tried everything i can think of to fix it. i went to command prompt and typed in ipconfig and it came up with a message that said internal error and couldnt give me my ip details. also besides my connnection to modem not working my windows firewall is off. i try to nable it and it says something about firewall/ic settings. then it says it cant due to not finding tcp/ip something. wtf it was working 8 hours ago? i just updated me drivers for my intel(r) PRO/100 VE. nothing changed. i bridged my 1394 and my local area connection and the packets sent wnt to 60 but still no packets recieved.
my event viewer says the ntwork location awareness service depends on the tcp/icp protocol driver service which failed to start because of the followin error: The system cannot find the file specified. also the tcp/ip protocol driver service failed to start due to the followin g error: the systm cannot find the file specified. another the following boot-start or system-start driver failed to load: szkg tcpip another the window firewall/internet connection sharing (ics) service terminated with the following error: ysstem cant find file specified another the ipsec services service depends on the tcp/ip protocol diver service which failed to start because of the following error: a devie attatched to the system is not functioning. another the avg network redirector server failed to start: syste m cant find file specified. another Dns client service depends on tcp/ip blah blah failed to start: device attatched to system is not functioning. same with dhcp client his is all after reboot. i tried the winsock and tcp fix that was posted on another thread due to adware. didnt work.
ok here is what i got after ours of threads and messing with options. i tried everything from winsock reinstalling, tcp/ip reinstalling, Bios updating, and i even founda thread and tried vundo, combofix, and a bunch more. Nothing worked. So i was reading about trojan because 5 days ago my AVG caught two trjons so i sent them to the vault. I went to avg vault and seen those two. one was a file called tcpip.sys. which come to find out is a driver and i didnt even know. SO i restored it as tcpip.sys. restarted my comp. and bam internet works again. It s funny that i sent it 5 days ago and it just stopped working yesterday. maybe cause the machin rebooted itself. either way i restored it. does that mean the virus is still there even tho it says that trojan and file name tcpip.sys are still in the vault. also how do i get rid of trojans because i dont want them in the vault or on my machine at all.
AVG should have an option to remove the quarantined files. If not...locate the folder that contains the files and manually delete them.
I had the same issue. I found that my tcpip.sys file had a date of two days ago. I renamed it, windows file protection restored the original and after rebooting I was in business. I'm running a virus/spyware scan now. Thanks very much for the answer.