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Install Utorrent on Ubuntu - Tutorial/Guide

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by MidnightJ, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. MidnightJ

    MidnightJ Guest

    Just thought I would make a easy 3 step guide on install the Bittorrent client, Utorrent on Ubuntu Linux.


    Step 1 - Installing Wine

    First you got to install Wine, which is basically a program which allows you to run .exe (executable) applications in Linux.

    So, in the terminal copy this code

    sudo aptitude install wine
    There now wine is installed.

    Step 2 - Make Utorrent an executable script

    Next you got to make a Utorrent executable script in order to install it.

    So, in the terminal copy this code to create it.

    sudo gedit /usr/bin/utorrent
    Next a text editor should pop up, all you have to do is copy in the following lines/code.

    cd ~/utorrent/
    if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
    var="`echo $1 | sed 's////g'`"
    wine utorrent.exe "$var"
    wine utorrent.exe
    Remember to space the lines from any above text you see in the text file.

    Save the text file and close it. It will be saved in the /usr/bin/ folder.

    You still need to make this script executable though so copy this code in the terminal to do so.

    sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/utorrent
    Now create a folder called utorrent in your home directory, then download the latest version (Standalone, not the installer version) of uTorrent from http://www.utorrent.com/download.php and place it in the utorrent folder in your home folder you just created.

    Step 3 - Make the Utorrent desktop shortcut

    You now need to create a desktop shortcut.

    So in this final step, right-click on your desktop, and click "Create Launcher..." and in the new window that opens, fill in the following fields/spaces.

    Type: Application
    Name: uTorrent
    Command: wine "/home/your-name/utorrent/utorrent.exe"
    Comment: BitTorrent Client

    Then just choose whatever icon your comfortable with for Utorrent, and your all done. Enjoy using one the most popular and best Bittorrent clients on the net!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2007
  2. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    Again.. Why when there are good native linux applications available which don't involve the complexity of wine.. and the toolbar flicker reported by lots of people who have done this windows apps under wine nonsense for a long time?

    Try KTorrent instead.. native linux, and runs fine on all linux desktops, and freeBSD too.

  3. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    A personal favorite of mine is deluge. Its quite zippy and light on resources, but ktorrent is also a great client. And if your willing to use CLI go rTorrent, the fastest around.
  4. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    rTorrent?.. You going all hardcore on us now??? I would only use it for legal torrents due to the complexity of keeping and loading an up to date blocklist from the console.
  5. kondor

    kondor Regular member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    yea, I would take a look at deluge too. The only thing that ktorrent has over it for me is the sched, deluge will probably get one soon though i hope.
  6. Eck

    Eck Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Is there any problem just making an uTorrent folder in the /home/.wine drive c program files directory? Why the script?

    I ask because I installed it that way before I saw this. I'm on OpenSUSE 10.3 (it's RC1 but the installer pulled the final from the repo while it was installing and I have it all setup).

    The program works and I opened the ssh tcp uTorrent ports and normal torrent ports and tried to download a torrent that unfortunately is blocked at the source for now and/or needs DHT and has no active tracker.

    You guessed right that the one I tried was OpenSUSE 10.3 GM DVD x86. I think the sources are being blocked, after they had been open for a while the first day they sent it to the mirrors. I can wait until tomorrow, but I'm just wondering about this uTorrent setup essentially how any Wine program is setup. It couldn't login to DHT as I just don't think this is being served.

    I'd like to have uTorrent available for the ones that need DHT as OpenSUSE's kTorrent doesn't allow the use of DHT. For most things this is fine so kTorrent will be my default, but wouldn't just running uTorrent with Wine the normal way work fine? I know the test in the setup for uTorrent stated it worked once I opened the ports up.

    I guess I'm asking why there is a need to use a script like was posted here.
  7. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    From suse 10.2 onwards certain needed modules are blocked at kernal level. You will need to research the required modules and compile your own kernal with them included to use torrents successfully.

    Because of certain legal constraints felt by the suse team regarding illegal file sharing and copyright issues I'm not going to say more... the information is available in various places.. try google.

    Why the script?? Worked for one person probably.. will not work for all.

    My final point about this...
    µtorrent was bought by a company affiliated to the RIAA/MPAA, and guess what.. peer guardian doesn't actually work in wine.. It says it does but on testing it wasn't actually blocking anything!!!.. use a linux native application, and leave the exe junk and wine to the desperate windows n00bs..
  8. wolfmanz

    wolfmanz Regular member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    File sharing is definately one area I would leave to native Linux programs and stay clear of Wine.

    As for a p2p alternative to peerguardian you might want to look at Moblock

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2007
  9. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    Deluge HAD a scheduler like uTorrent's and it looked promising, but it was too buggy to use reliably. If you install an older version you can have a try of it if you like.

    Nonetheless, a vote for deluge from me, it's being actively developed at the moment, and eliminates the need for Wine.

    EDIT: Sounds like the scheduler might be making it into the next release , so shouldn't be too far away: http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=349&p=1853&hilit=scheduler#p1853
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2007
  10. Eck

    Eck Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Hey, thanks for the info. I hadn't noticed problems downloading or seeding using kTorrent, whether on OpenSUSE or Debian. I just had known for a time that OpenSUSE turns off DHT on the kTorrent versions it offers through it's distro or the Build Service KDE repos, but I supposed one could compile the full version from source. I didn't know that they actually block Torrent stuff on the Kernel level. Is that really true?

    I normally just use Torrents to get really large files as it's more reliable than a normal downloader to be reasonably sure the finished download is a complete file. I really don't go in for the movies, games, music thing with Torrents. So even the OpenSUSE kTorrent has been fine for me.

    I just started the OpenSUSE 10.3 Torrent download using kTorrent and it's downloading at a nice brisk pace. I gave the usual torrent ports the permissions in YaST Firewall.

    I just thought that for the occasional venture that would only be available using DHT that having uTorrent available would be nice. I was used to using it on Windows. I suppose that now that the OpenSUSE folks are seeding from their official tracker it probably would work using uTorrent in Wine as well, but like it's been said here why bother if it's coming down fine in the Linux native kTorrent, even without DHT transfers available.

    I suppose I could try azereous (sorry if I spelled it wrong). But if what you say is true, I wouldn't get any benefit as DHT is a SUSE Kernel blacklist?

    It would surprise me if so. After all, they include the make believe patent encumbered supposed illegal in the United States codec installation sources as a new Community Sources section in YaST Software Management now, so a user doesn't even need to add Packman himself and decide what to install. It'll even install most of what's needed automatically from a list with check boxes for choosing which ones you want. They just don't offer libdvdcss2, only libdvdcss which is rather useless. So you get it yourself from videoLAN and right click install with YaST. Big deal.
  11. deadlove

    deadlove Guest

    Looks like you have read up somewhat on the issue.. DHT function is the area they have attacked. There is an obviously easy way around the modifications.Use a slightly older kernal, and patch it with new updated modules (or even a loading script) for the now missing parts.

    I'm very sure the suse forums (unofficial) will have lots of information on which modules need to be tweaked. It's very popular.

    Give azureus a try.. It may work fine for you.. It doesn't like debian etch (changed method of binding to ports and alterations to the iptables scripts make it a nightmare) I solved the problem by using a 2.4.xx kernal which works just fine.
  12. kondor

    kondor Regular member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Thanks for the heads up on deluge ozmick :) I don't think i will go backwards though so will wait for the scheduler in the update.

    it really is a very nice little program :)
  13. Eck

    Eck Member

    Sep 2, 2003
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    There are unofficial SUSE forums? I find the folks over at suseforums.net to be nice. Really not as in depth as far as having massive backloads of how to type things but the various official wiki and community wiki sites cover most of what people will need to know. There are just a few senior types of folks there who know their stuff, but if asked something they don't have recent personal experience with one will find they just won't reply at all. They prefer a user to search around themselves rather than bothering to respond saying they're not sure but look here or there giving a couple of links. Not really for newbies but then again I was a newbie back in February and managed to figure out how to do things.

    Anyway, I haven't noticed any unofficial types of forums specifically for SUSE. It would be nice to have access to something like that, so if you know of any please share. The couple of other semi-official ones essentially offer nearly identical posters and information. I think they're connected somehow. I usually just stick to that one since the others are about the same.

    I'd love to find someone who could figure out why on some Linux distro installations I can get RipIt4Me in Wine to be able to get its PSL file created successfully and on others, sometimes with the same distro and version, I need to do a work around where I disable autopsl creation in the RipIt4Me.ini and rip it without the PSL file but including the rest of the blanking and FixVTS processes. That just happened to me with my last Debian Lenny install. It worked. The one I did before that gave me the "You don't seem to have a DVD in your selected drive" error so I needed to do the work around. And now on OpenSUSE 10.3 I get the error again so need to use the work around. Wish I had a clue why it works when it does. I do the same exact ways of setting things up but just luck out or don't.

    I would bother posting that separately, but I really don't think anyone not on Linux is really using that depreciated program anymore so the responses would likely be, "just use AnyDVD or DVDFab on your Windows partiton." I would do that, but anytime I boot into Windows I have hours of security updating, and at times other software since I got there so infrequently, and I'd just prefer to stay in Linux rather than going through that crap.
  14. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    Just an announcement that the newest release of Deluge has the scheduler back in it at last. You may well need to build from source though. Version (0.5.6RC1

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