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VCD from DAT file

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by nickcunit, Jul 30, 2002.

  1. nickcunit

    nickcunit Member

    Apr 19, 2002
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    I would like to know the best method to copy a VCD , I have tried the normal methods of copying with CloneCd and DiscJuggler but I always get a copy that wont playback on my standalone player even though the original will with no problem. At the moment to copy the VCD I export the DAT file from the VCD to my hard drive and then use Nero to make a new vcd from the DAT file, what I would like to know is if this is ok or will converting the file first to Mpeg with for example VCD gear give me a better quality end result.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    I recommend extracting the DAT into MPEG-1 with VCDGear first and then burning that into VCD with Nero.

    Also, CloneCD _should_ make you an identical copy, are you sure its not a media issue (different CD brand)?
  3. nickcunit

    nickcunit Member

    Apr 19, 2002
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    I know that it is not a cdr problem as the original vcd is a cdr the same brand as the new copy I want to make, also will I see quality improvement if I convert the DAT file to MPEG to make the VCD, as I want to get the best possible quality for the copy , if so what is the reason? and why is using the DAT file not such a good idea. thanks.
  4. Huppy

    Huppy Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    I am experiencing the same problem. I have burned copies using neros copy cd which will give me copies that I can play on my PC but my stand alone will not even recognise there is a disk inserted. I have burned the cdr unsing Nero vcd which entailed copying the dat file to my hd then moving it into the bottm left hand corner, going thru the motions...100% succesfull reported but shows absolutely nothing on my stand alone player on on my PC. I have also changed the dat file to a mpg file in TMPG then burnt it thru Nero VCD which gave me a copy that I can play on my PC but is very jerky on my stand alone player. I have found a site saying that all you need to do is simply put the dat file into that bottom left hand side, press burn & Nero will do the rest. He does mention that unless you have burn proof software, nothing else should be running. I have done this without any success. Let me know if you have had any success. *email-address-removed-by-webmaster*
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2002
  5. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    No email addresses to the forums or you get banned.

    And are you sure that your player supports VCDs at all? Not all players do and even if yours does, it might be that the CD media you're using is not compatible with your player.
  6. Huppy

    Huppy Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Sorry about the email listing. My player is a Napa Dav311 MP3/VCD Player that is "absolutely vcd 1.00,2.00 compliant. Originals work fine but as soon as I put a burnt back up version in, its all jerky. I dont know the difference between 1.00 & 2.00. I may be burning version 2.00 instead of 1.00 but I see anywhere that give you the option. Although I think I do recall seeing that option in a "VCD Easy" tutorial. Its a pain as I dont want to take my originals away camping but wouldn't hesitate taking the back-ups. The player is great except for this. It can be found at amaxhk.com. I have sent their tech dept an email for help. It has supposed to have a sony pick up in it not that it means much to me but when reading about the "Princo" media success, I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I have tried "Go Tech" "TDK" 2 different unbranded CDWR's & 1 unbranded CDR in different ways with varied results of which none would warrant watching for more than the time to turn it off. mmmmm, I hope to get some answers from the maufacturers, you would thing they would have some answers. If you think of anything else that may help, keep us informed, as shall I.

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