I have a starview box, I flashed it and when it rebooted the screen is frozen it just says "THE BOX" on the screen and it wont do anything else. Any ideas???
What version have you got ? Is it the starvi*w 2 "the b0x" Or have you a clone or genuine SV count the vents on top
If it said "The Box" on the screen then you have a Starview 2, called the box. What version of firmware did you flash it with?
So you do have "The Box" I presume, are you in the UK or Ireland. I need to know this as the firmware is area dependent.
I used "The box" software on the older strview one, I live in Ireland and i would of been N*L i scanned for. The latest software was used.
I wont ask you why you did this, but it can be fixed. I need you to click the link at the end of my post marked Starview Info Dooby2oon, then click clones, I need to know if you have a clone or genuine Starview
Dont think its a clone, Back of the box looks original and remote is original. Dont know why i flashed it either just used to doingthe newer versions.
You just need to reflash the Starview. Please for future reference, "The Box" firmware and Starview firmware are not compatabile. All you need can be found in Eamos FTA Library link at the end of my post. For a genuine Starview you need Version 4.00, (Found in Starview Firmware folder). You still use gtromloader to load it. That should get you back up, dont forget to turn key emu back on after a rescan. Thats me for the evening, best of luck.
hi people !! talking about freezing starviews ive got a "the box" running 4.51 in the uk and every now and then (bowt twice a day) when i exit the epg the screen will freeze green for about 5 secs then the box will re-boot ??? has any one else had this problem?? have tried a re-flash but it still happens any ideas ??thanx....
Try another reflash, but this time delete the version 4.51 you have on your pc and download a fresh one. Use this one to reflash the box with. Before you do a reflash do a factory reset, then turn the box off from the switch at the back for a minute. Turn the box back on you will come to the installation screen, put box in stanby mode and reflash. After reflash make sure key emu is on.
Thanks for your help, But teh box wont go to the main screen so when i try to flash it it keeps coming up failed?? Not sure what i can do now?? Im just looking at a screen on my tv that says "the Box" and thats it it wont go anywhere else. None of the buttons work on the ubit itseslf either??
NTried theat but still no good, Its like it cant detect the receiver or like its not there?? Is there any way to clear the memory of the box without using a cable??
Just go to factory settings in the menu, press it, type 1570, press OK. Only problem is the firmware will remain,turn of the box from the switch on the back. Turn it back on again and try a reflash with version 4.
As per this quote you made, you say you cannot reflash your Starview as it wont go to the main screen. You do not need the main screen on as you can flash the Starview with the power on but in standby mode. Download the Starview Guide from Eamos FTA Library at the bottom of my post and this will give you a step by step guide to flashing the Starview.
ive tried to reflash it using the gtrom comes up failed every time, Like i said its like it doesnt seem to detect the box at all??