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qoob pro install failed

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by dre05, Sep 1, 2007.

  1. dre05

    dre05 Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    I tried to install a qoob pro chip into my version A gamecube. after the install, I tried to flash the bios, but it won't work. I adjusted the POT as well, to around 205 ohms. Here is a list of issues:

    - qoob pro status LED is not coming on
    - qoob pro chip cannot connect
    - the gamecube turns on, but the disk is not spinning
    - nothing shows up on screen.
    - the fan turns on.
    - none of the solder points for A, B, C, D, E, or F are touching other contact points.
    - I may have burned the leads or part of the chip for the connections to E and F.
    - I might have connected the 5V pin to the nearby FIL3 with solder.

    please share your opinion of what might have happened. Thanks.

    - I may have
  2. dre05

    dre05 Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Hellow again!

    I had the idea of removing the qoob pro chip, and then booted the GC itself. The cube loads, though I lost my bios settings such as time. I am wondering if the chip itself is damaged, but i need an expert opinion for insight.

  3. dre05

    dre05 Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    I did some more double checks. I found that the gamecube itself runs fine if I disconnect the Qoob from it. Also, the status lite on the Qoob comes on green. The DVD won't spin with the Qoob connected though. I insulated the qoob and the wires under the heatsink. I think my problem is one of two things:

    1) i think the qoob chip itself is faulty because it won't connect to my pc. I tried flashing it after, both with the GC power off and with it on. no luck. I have another question:

    Does the Qoob already come with a bios BEFORE you flash it? Will it not work if it DOESN"T come with a bios on it already?

    2) if the qoob chip is not faulty, and there is a bios already, then I may have shorted the purple wire. I will check this. i may hav 2 resolder it.

    someone plz give me some feedback on this. thanks!

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