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ATT:chunkhead: unfinished busness read man.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by PsYAndrew, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. PsYAndrew

    PsYAndrew Regular member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    Ok,I D/L the mhackxbox.rar file(softmod file).Also I downloaded Xplorer360.I followed the tuts that I read.The problem comes after doing process,as I get error 13 screen.Now I remember to NOT turn XBOX off b4 plugging HD back in XBOX.I then went and did hotswap again to repair files,with backup.However the Xplorer360 would NOT read XBOX HD.This kinda scared me lol,But i kno I remembered to hook XbOX HD back in b4 power off.Any help would B appreciated.

  2. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Have a look at the XboxHDM tutorial i've written, all will be explained!
  3. PsYAndrew

    PsYAndrew Regular member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    Can I do this w/o a disc tho? See I dont have burner in PC,and this XBOX is pissing me off.lol...its alot more complicated then modding a psp.:p

  4. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  5. PsYAndrew

    PsYAndrew Regular member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    Ok thx chunkhead for help,I managed to get ahold of a burner and made a hdm disc.Did the procedure as followed hers wat Iv got: Starts up I hit 1 ...type in xbox hd.... says cant access drive its locked!!!... I thought thats wat this was for to unlock it. I need help man sorry bout soundin stupid but its confusing and I thought I finally got it right.=(

    Also if its any help error I get is 16..BUT when I pull dvd drive I get 12 n thats when I did the hd hotswap for 2nd time on 12 and NOT big x...help would b greatly appreciated .
  6. whaevr

    whaevr Member

    Dec 29, 2007
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    You said you could get an error 12? Good! I downloaded Xplorer 360 from this site, and it wouldn't recognize my hdd either.

    Although I heard that using older versions people have gotten it to work. So I tried the older versions and it detected my hdd instantly ^^

    So get the error 12 again, hook the hdd up to your computer and try using the older versions of Xplorer 360. I've uploaded them all here
    Try each version until one works. I think it was beta 5 that worked for me...

    Also if you included your xbox's eeprom in the xbhdm disk, you should be able to unlock with the disk by choosing option 3 instead of 1, the n typing unlockhd -a
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2008
  7. varnull

    varnull Guest

    careful now.. the drive is unlocked. there is a real risk of locking to your pc's mobo key.. unless you are planning on using the drive in something else there is no need whatsoever to mess with the dangerous lock/unlock tools.. have you even read the xboxhdm notes?
  8. PsYAndrew

    PsYAndrew Regular member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    Sorry bout late reply been busy.Anyways To answer your Q ^ there ,No I never tried different versions of xplorer..maybe could b it thx for tip.I'll try it. In the meantime guy right above me:Yes I read the HDM notes...It still says LOCKEd,And I need help with that

    I made the HDM disc Tried it and it said Xbox LOCKEd..If you have any help please do.Id appreciate it.

  9. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Most times to get the hdd to unlock the best way is to unplug the dvd drive ide from the xbox drive, and let the box boot to error12

    Then hotswap the pc ide cable to the still powered xbox hdd and start the pc.. go into the bios immediately and check the drive has been detected, then exit and allow xboxhdm to boot.. That should find it with no problem.. some drives behave differently.. but should be fine if connected to IDE1 master with the pc cd drive on the same cable as slave.

    Do what you need to and then swap the cables back and reboot ;)
  10. PsYAndrew

    PsYAndrew Regular member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    Thanks, for quick reply Q tho: I have done it exactly as u say but,the only thing I didnt do was go to bios to check never thought of that... How would I b doing this Help appreciated thanks.

    PS:Heres how it went for me.
    1.found out bout modding xbox,wanted to mod mine ( for n64 games). Anyways I managed to find a softmod file called mhacker (or sumn similiar to that). Used hotswap method with CD drive (secondary)
    went into xplorer backed up all of 3 n 4 1st,then took modded 3 ,4 and placed in then deleted parts: 3,4 (unmodded) rehooked Xbox back up turned off.Turned back on Error 21:eek:k Im like Shyt im screwed.But w8 theres a way to fix it with hdm.On to 2...

    2.Got HDM on disc started up xbox was surprised to find different error #(16).So I went and restarted xbox Pulled out dvd drive(xbox) got error 12: time to hotswap...k finished start pc HDM loads !! im quite happy now lol...it ends soon tho as I do all prompts right and it says Xbox locked I again scratch my head and say WTF...
    so yeeaaaaaa...its been a pain in the ass.I just really want it to work,Do you have an idea of what im doing wrong?
  11. PsYAndrew

    PsYAndrew Regular member

    Sep 2, 2007
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    BTW a weird thing when I tried 1st mod and failed: My Xbox games would still work..that is until I tried to save lol..now they wont even load funny shyt xD

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