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Reducing file sizes

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by II_II, Nov 5, 2003.

  1. II_II

    II_II Guest

    Hello I captures some video from my cable to my computer. The video files are HUGE, like 1.5 gigs but are like only 50mins long. How do I reduce the size to like 800megs without losing much quality? Any help will be appreciated.
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    That is Not Huge, especially for 50 Minutes of Video...My Captured Files Can Run over 500mb per Minute when captureing to a High Quality Low Compression Format...You must allready be useing a High compression Codec because of the Small File size...What Format do you capture to????
    When ever you compress a file you Loose Quality , How Much depends on the Quality of the Original File and it"s Format and what format you want to Compress it to...If you don"t care what format you want your Movie File in , Meaning you aren"t going to make a DVD or VCD or SVCD Out of it, then I would sugest that you compress the File to Something like DivX or another Mpeg-4 format..But since I have No Info on what type of files you are working with I can"t give you any suggestions on what software to use...If you leave more Info then I can Give you more Info...cheers
  3. II_II

    II_II Guest

    I capture them im mpeg2 format and I wish to put them in dvd format later. Any info?
  4. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    What hardware/software are you capturing with? Also, what resolution/bitrate are your captures? If you can't answer that last one, you should be able to find out by loading the MPEG file into Bitrate Viewer:

    Depending on the resolution and noise level of the source, there are a few things that will reduce the size, but how much quality you lose at a given size will also vary by the specifics of the material (contrast, detail, motion, etc,...). The channel you capture from can also make a difference, especially with a cable signal.

    One more question now that I think about it. Are you trying to get the file small enough for a CD-R or just wanting to fit more on a DVD+/-R?
  5. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    The Best Mpeg2 capture Method I know of is This...I use InterVideo WinDVR 3.0 to capture Mpeg2 at 720+480 and at 20,000kbs and Capture Directly to AC3 audio...When I have finnished Captureing My Files are Very Big Because I"m captureing at 20mb/s but the Quality is also Exelent...Then I de-Mux the Ac3 audio from the Mpeg2 file then I re-encode the Mpeg2 file to a Lower Mpeg2 bitrate for DVD useing Possibly a Noise Filter to and a Sharpen Filter to try to clean up any Noise..Then After re-encodeing I author the Mpeg2 file and the AC3 audio file to DVD..Out of all of the Mpeg2 capture Programs I have Tried and I have Tried Them all, WinDVR 3.0 produces By Far the Best Quality captures, and I find this Method Produces Much better Quality than Captureing Directly to mpeg at DVD Bitrates...You will in most cases still get better Quality if you capture to a Low Compression AVI format Like HuffYUV then add filters and encode to Mpeg2 DVD, and one of the Most important things is to use the Best quality mpeg encoder you can find...Cheers
  6. Lostboy76

    Lostboy76 Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    i was wondering where can i get this huffyYUV code? I capture using my ATI card and the free MMC software it comes with. How much is windvr and where can i get it at?

    I usually capture in mpg1 because the signal i get off my cable sucks and it's really bad quality so capturing it in avi would show all the noise.

    Could we just do it in a low comp. avi and use noise reducers to make it look smoother? what filters and what program should be used for this?

    Sorry for the rush of questions...


  7. shorty2k

    shorty2k Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    its on this website !! ;-) under 'software' 'video codecs and filters' page two if my memory serves me right good LUCK!!
  8. Lostboy76

    Lostboy76 Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    DAng i feel stupid ... i found it!

    ok .. going to try it ...
    ... need to clear off some mega gigs first ... hehe ...


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