Critical update Eurovox 2008 max v September 7th 2007 This can be found in the Eurovox Firmware Folder of Eamos FTA Library at the bottom of my post. Please Use This Firmware with Immediate Effect on All MAX-V 2008 A major fault has been found in the Eurovox Max V firmware, please update to this firmware ASAP to avoid any future problems. WARNING DO NOT FLASH ANY RED/BLUE OFFICIAL OR CLONE BOXES. NO LOADER REQUIRED FLASH DIRECT TO EUROVOX.
Hi scouser, remember me. You helped me pick a box and get it up and running. I have a eurovox mav v 2008 july software edition that i purchased on ebay. Can you explain how i update the box please, do i need to go to maplins to buy a cable to connect the box to my computer ,.?? I hope i dont get any trouble with this as i have had no problems since plugging the box in. Is th eupdate a must.???
Hi i have downloadede the folder from the link provided thanks. And have read the.txt seems a must to update. Would you mind please explaining to me how to do this thanks. I have no cable to connect computer to pc would, you be able to adviose what cable i ned ( i have a laptop with just usb connections, network card and a vga out) ALL THOUGH I DO HAVE A VERY OLD PC WITH USB'S and some connectors on the back that i have never used ( i think a rj32 cable would connect to them). Bay as you can tell IM CLUELESS
null modem cable USB Adapter Cable
Basically a batch of boxes have developed a problem and have died as a result. Although this is seen as a fix I am not sure if it is the definitive one, as we will have to see if this solves the problem. Time will tell.
I would recommend updating your box as I have had 2 boxes die on me in the last couple of weeks. A message appears saying this box has developed a fault please contact your supplier and then dies. At least I have a couple of E500 bookends now!!!!
have downloaded the new firmware for the black box.but it will only allow me to download channel data files onto my do i download software onto the box.
I presume it is this critical update you are taking about as this is the latest firmware available for the Max V.
scouser one of the other threads for eurovox no sound on box,firmware and rescan done and no sound,bad problem?
Does this mean if I don't update my eurovox that it is liable to 'die'? It is currently working fine - although I did have one 'die' on me last week, just thought it was dodgy machine. Please advise. Thanks, First post so be gentle.
Critical update Eurovox 2008 max v September 7th 2007 This can be found in the Eurovox Firmware Folder of Eamos FTA Library at the bottom of my post. Please Use This Firmware with Immediate Effect on All MAX-V 2008 A major fault has been found in the Eurovox Max V firmware, please update to this firmware ASAP to avoid any future problems. WARNING DO NOT FLASH ANY RED/BLUE OFFICIAL OR CLONE BOXES. NO LOADER REQUIRED FLASH DIRECT TO EUROVOX.
I've downloaded the update - do I just connect up the box to my pc and click on the application icon or is there more to it. I would be grateful if someone could point me to any guidance walking a newbie through a step by step process. Thanks in advance