using ati2dvd, the "audio stream" shows nothing, how to get the audio? Is a file labeled ATI Player, .avi, extension, and works fine on the computer, want to put it on a dvd.
Yes Sir, that's the one. when I select the video, it then asks for the audio but shows none in the selection area. however, with flickdvd, it grabs it all on tis own, but takes forever to process.
You have gotten the 'warning' (a bad choice of words as it's actually an ERROR) from AVI2DVD I assume, when you chose your file. AVI2DVD just doesn't like any special characters... anywhere, path or name. To make life simple, the easiest route is to just put your file straight into C: (no folder) and give it a one word name. C:\MyMovie.avi. Although a bit quirky, AVI2DVD using HCenc set on best (it is slow though) will produce excellent video and audio, especially on longer sources. Keep an eye on the PAL/NTSC option and make sure you tick it correctly.