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Discussion in 'DVD-ROM drives' started by sockman23, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. sockman23

    sockman23 Member

    Sep 22, 2007
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    Hi guys, first time poster here, sorry it had to be such a pain in the ass, and i apologize if its something really stupid and im just dumb....

    my friend called and asked me could i go have a look at his e-system 3807 g335 series laptop (win xp intelm420 1.6ghz, 256 mb ddr2 ram, 40gb sats hard drive + perfectly functioning dvd rw drive)

    i had a look, and my god, he had downloaded so much malware, and fake programs disguised as virus scanners, and firewalls, that werent actually functioning as their names would have suggested, i checked all the drives before i started, no conflicts and functionag VERRRRY slow but operable, and all visible in device manager with no conflicts, I uninstalled a few of the programs (none related to dvd or cd functionality), rebooted and the dvd drive had disappeared from Device manager and My Computer yet the drive opened and closes and i can hear the cd spinning.. first, opened regedit to delete lower and higher filters, but they werent there, so i download cdgon.zip , a popular xp patch, tried those, rebooted and no joy again, So i checked the bios and lo and behold...NOT THERE!!! set bios settingfrom auto to cd/dvd rom and it failed... I've tried everything i know guys, been surfing and reading for 14 and a half hours straight and found nothing that has worked..

    If I'm honest guys, i'm worried ive screwed up my friends laptop, and i need to know i've tried everything possible.... If i have then i'm giving him the money to replace the laptop coz it's outta warranty :(

    Thank you in advance guys... i know how much of a pain in the ass is must have been to read all this ;)


  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    if that was a desktop instead of a laptop then you could have done a clear cmos routine as that happened to me once. see if there is something similar. see if can remove the rom drive physically as some laptops have that option, restart laptop so can go into windows then shut it down properly to put drive back in & restart laptop.
  3. sockman23

    sockman23 Member

    Sep 22, 2007
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    "you could have done a clear cmos routine as that happened to me once. see if there is something similar.see if can remove the rom drive physically as some laptops have that option"

    Im not quite sure what you mean, do you mean, disconnect the cd drive manually, and reconnect it? or try to reset bios values to default and see if that works???

    thanks again for the quick reply.. :)
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    yes on both, disconnect the drive if it can be done & reset the bios to default setting. try the bios 1st & if don't work then do the drive.
  5. sockman23

    sockman23 Member

    Sep 22, 2007
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    No probs, i'll give that a go, Only problem is its 1a.m. here and the laptop is in my friends house, I will try that tommorrow and let you know how it went man.

    thanks, greatly appreciated
    god bless
    Brendan ;)
  6. sockman23

    sockman23 Member

    Sep 22, 2007
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    firstly, thanks so much for taking the time to replay man, my friend has kindly reminded, (bit late for that) that the laptop is still in warranty, by one month... he said he bought it over a year ago....and he didnt.

    i actually went back down and lo and behold the drive was working again!!! I thought "hey, job done!!" Five mins later i checked my computer and it was gone again!!! Frustration and anger!!!!! RAGE!!! because it is still in warranty, i dare not to remove the drive, i cant for the life of me work out why it reappeared and disappeared again. The only assumption i could come to was faulty/loose wiring. But my instinct tells me differently, How could the drive have been working perfectly before i removed all the malicious software (no cd/dvd burning reading or virtual drive software was removed!!) It's really bugging me, and i cant find any download/support for the system in question. after much searching i cam e across a website called thetechguys or something, which apparently was the site for e systems or ei systems. Nothin on their download section was of use to me :(

    Thanks again mate for all your help, but it seems it has stumped me this time and it may have to go back to the manufacturer, no idea what they will do but im guessing external usb external cd/dvd drive to re-install windows because i cant do it without use of the cd drive...


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