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Xbox HDD

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by pingy34, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. pingy34

    pingy34 Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    All right I've done this before but im going to ask for help about this again. I softmodded my xbox a few years ago and upgraded to a bigger hdd. Everything was going fine untill i exceeded the 137 gig limit. Now the bigger xbox hdd thats prob around 150 gigs full right now (dint die immediately at 137 but same day) will not be read by the xbox and i always get error code 7. i know its not my motherboard bc my stock 10 gig that i softmmodded still works. is there anyway that my xbox will ever read my bigger upgraded hdd again?
  2. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Error 7 means the HDD has actually died!

    I'd unplug all the cables within the Xbox and re-plug them, just to make sure they are seated correctly.

    Other then that...

    Sorry dude!
  3. pingy34

    pingy34 Member

    Jul 16, 2005
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    The hdd isnt dead. i can reformat it if i want to. my computer recognizes it but its locked. Has anyone ever put more than 137 gigs on a softmod that isnt going to read more than that? I would just reformat which ill prob end up doing but i had like 40 games on it and its jsut frusterating. what i want to do is ftp it somehow to get information off of it to bring it back down to 137. is this possible. i also tested the hdd in my netoworking on this weird that u just plug an ide into and it past the test on that too.
  4. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Error 7 is a fatal HDD. The fact that your computer recognizes it is irrelevant!

    If you were to re-format it and run it as a PC drive it would fail. I'll guarantee that it has numerous failed sectors\heads!

    Is it a cheap drive? Samsung, etc!?
  5. wobbs

    wobbs Guest

    I have read that over the 137GB you get corruption on the drive - I cant find the links explaining why, the biggest drives I have used with softmod are 360 GB - but multiple partitions - I did warn the lad they may die in 6 months - been 3 months and all is well so far- I have had a 160 go on a chipped box - so use good brands - Western digital seem to be the ones that die more often than any other brand i have seen ( talking about stock xbox drives ) - any one else had this ?
  6. wobbs

    wobbs Guest

    have you tested the drives with a diagnostic test disk from the manafacturer, this will show up issues with the drive that windoz wont

  7. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Seagate come with a 5 year guarantee from the manufacturer!

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