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Shrinking Avi Video into different format for a Mobile Phone.

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by ashmax, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. ashmax

    ashmax Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I dont know if this is in the right place , but, i am having a problem, i took a video with my camcorder, and saved it to SD card. When i checked this on the PC it was (avi 58mb), im trying to send this to my mum via email to her mobile phone(Nokia N70) so before i did i used Xilisoft Video Converter to convert it into another format, either RM(real player); Mpeg4; Mov; and compress it to under 4mb, but every time she downloads it and trys to play it, it says unrecognized format, unable to play. She has real player installed and quicktime, My question is does her phone need a codec to enable her to play these formats or am i just encoding the avi file wrong to begin with.

    Problem 1 ,it needs to be about 3mb in size so that i can email it.
    Problem 2 ,The Nokia N70 needs to be able to read it.

    I would appreciate any help with this.
  2. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    I like the way you laid out your query into your 2 problems, thats cool :)

    Okay, problem one.

    For nokias, even a new one like the N70, the video need sto be in the 3gp format.

    I got a really simple converter to do this, it even converts to ipod format if you want aswell.

    Download it directly from here : http://www.nurs.or.jp/~calcium/3gpp/3GP_Converter034.zip

    When you first open it, it will look like its in japanese, but you can select the english language from the drop down menu lol. THat freaked me out.

    Its simple, just drag and drop your video into this little program and it wil automaically convert. Let me know how you get on.

    Problem 2.

    Not gonna happen. You wont get a video that you recorded at 58 mb down to 3mb.

    Why dont you use a data cable and put it to her phone that way?
  3. ashmax

    ashmax Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Firstly, thank you for your quick reply to my problems m8.

    Thank you for letting me know, the video format that i should use, Xilisoft Video Converter supports this format as well so there wasnt really a need to use the other converter that you suggested, but i did download it and i will keep it for future use(pretty handy).

    I have managed to commpress the AVI file from 58,mb to 2.38mb, using different programs like, "Smartmovie Converter" for mobile phones, then using "Xilisoft Video Converter" after that, changing the Audio/Video bitrates and the screen resolution, this seemed to do the trick, i tranfered it to my Phone Nokia N80 via nokia suite, and it played ok, with some quality loss, but thats to be expected, its still very much watchable though.

    I cant use a data cable m8 as she is in South Africa and im in the United Kingdom, thats the reason behind sending it via email. Anyway thanks to the format you told me about i managed to get it to work on my phone so its got to work on hers, as they are both N series phones.

    Thanks Again
  4. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    Glad to help you mate :D

    And really? You got it to less than 3mb? Thats brilliant!

    By the way, there are free sites such as www.yousenit.com where you could keep it much better quality, and upload it to their site and email her a link to download it :D
  5. ashmax

    ashmax Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Hi there

    I did think about doing it that way, as i run my own WebDesign and Hosting company, so i was going to create a sub directory on my server, and give her the download link, so she could just go to the url and download it or i could have embeded it into a web page, but either way she is a pay as you go customer in SA, and it would cost her per mb to stream or download the content. As long as she can view them at a average quality at minimum cost its ok. I sent her the video yesterday, and she was able to download and view it, no problem(thanks to the format you told me about).

    Another site similar to the one you mentioned is Badongo.com - Badongo is a FREE file hosting site that enables you to upload an unlimited amount of files, photos, video and music, to send to friends, family and colleagues.

    Cheers mate
  6. billybob

    billybob Regular member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    No problem, glad to help :D

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