I'm a radio pro, and has bought a pice of radio automation software. All my mp3, is encodet whit LAME, but a lot of them can not play. I tried Frauenhof, and no problems. I like to go for the best, and the best is LAME. I don't like the sound that Fraunhof produce. All my Mp3's must be in highest quality. What can I do to correct this. Maybe it's a LAME failur?? Settings - --alt-preset insane (v.2.92) (Excuse my english) And thanks in advance..
A Fraunhofer 320kbps file works, but LAME 320kbs doesn't? What software are you using with LAME? Are you adding some tags to the files - try without tagging?
I'm using RazorLame and tryed Lamer as frontends. As tagger I'm using Tag&Rename. I have tryed whitout tagging but the problem stay's.