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halo 2 modding

Discussion in 'Xbox - Games' started by HACKZOR, Oct 26, 2007.


    HACKZOR Guest

    Does anyone know where i can download a premodded and skinnded and prepatched & encripted map file in a .map format?

    omg this would be so helpfull

    give me ansewers
  2. Corey090

    Corey090 Guest

    the easiest thing to do would be to download mods that are just in forms of patches.. for example, gemini.ppf....once you download that just apply the patch to the actual map..then ftp back to ur box and then gemini will be a modded map...if you were to download a modded map with the patches already applied, you would be downloading gemini.map...not sure if you understand the size of a .map file but they are not small...it would take forever to download just one, let alone all of the maps...ill try to the website with the .ppf patches and the patch applying program...i cant recall what they are called but i will check up on it...and im not sure what you mean by encripted....iv always done exactly what i explained to you and i have been modding for a few years...but now i make my own through dothalo...

    like i said, ill get back to you wen i figure out the sites and programs needed to download and apply the patches..
  3. Corey090

    Corey090 Guest

    the program used to apply the .ppf patches is called "PPF Omatic" Just google it and find a place to download it..as for the already created mods...just google "halo 2 mods" and you should have some results...It's really not diffucult, just takes a some research, nothing a little googling cant handle!!

    HACKZOR Guest

    ok but i have a asension ppf and ppf-omatic but the icon beside the brose thing says search fo iso and then the other one says search for ppf?

    i realy need so pre patched maps in a .map format

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