Hi all, Was looking at your site, nice, only I can't see a spot to post an intro. I am a moderator of a few satellite boards, and this is one of our places for people to formally say hi. Just an idea. Pete
Petesat, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP & that includes the porn in your sig. read the forum rules in this link as is obvious you haven't. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487 post edited. 4. If you want to use both text and image in your signature the image should not be more than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall, and you can use up to three lines of text
ddp Done, although I really think that PORN is a very strong word to be using for a few girls in lingere.. Pete
i know but got point across. sig is still 1 line to long as forum rule states 5 lines & you have 6 lines so better fix it.
Ok now were there.. So what of the intro section, have I completely missed it, or is it not of use here? Pete
pete, do lowercase img not uppercase IMG for your picture. introduction can be almost any forum as long it pertains to that forum. usually is this forum, all other topics or safety valve.
img tags fixed for you Pete. I use the direct link from photobucket and then use AD's img radio button to wrap the code.
Thanks for the info guys, Hope I can give a bit to the forum as I have learned a bit about my gear from reading. Regards. Pete