Ask an admin.. Or if you're suicidal, you can just change your e-mail to some random fake e-mail and it'll suspend your account until you change your e-mail.
there is no deleting your account. you can break a bunch of rules and be permanently suspended, or pm a moderator requesting to be suspended. or, as eiffel said, you can change your email to a non-functional address, which will suspend your account until you reactivate with a working address. honestly, though, why bother closing an account? pointless much?
Unless you are anal retentive, there is no reason to delete your account. Just don't drop in here for awhile.
Hey m2thaizzo stick around sooner or later you'll run into something & you'll find more help here than you can shake a stick at.Stay around i promise you, you'll enjoy it. Chris
Just say this to any mod or admin.... AFTERDAWN IS A *** WASTE OF NET SPACE!!! Or, just leave the site and never come back.