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Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by Sin7, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. Sin7

    Sin7 Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    Hi please help i have been using utorrent to download avi videos i have been downloading some recntly and some dont work at all when the dowload has finished i try to play it A WINDOW POPS OUT :Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file. so then i convert it with winavi converter into WMV but it looses its audio :( and i have tryed every codec and still the problem remains oh and btw when i click on the avi file the preview doesnt show. PLEASE help i woill really apreciate it thanks
  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    think of a codec as the key to open the lock

    Sin7- your media players do not contain the correct codecs to play the AVI files,
    you simply need to download this codec pack install it and run the video again in whatever player you use. It support many common and even rarely used file types, all three types of the AVI file extension codecs are in this pack


    -any problems, confusions, questions, hesitations just ask!
  3. Sin7

    Sin7 Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    hey thanks for your help but i still cant get any audio on the video it is xvid+ogg and another one uses vorbis at first i had to convert them to regular wmv but they lost sound what could be going wrong i have read the FAQ but i still couldn't fix it.
  4. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    before you said it was AVI

    also get GSPOT and use it to find your missing audio codec

    xvid codec - http://www.xvid.org/
    ogg coedc - http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Vorbis_Ogg_ACM.htm

    there seems to be growing problems playing new WMV in an outdated WMP, make sure your windows media playet is up-to-date,

    post back results, there still many more things we can do to get the sound to work
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2007
  5. Sin7

    Sin7 Member

    Nov 21, 2007
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    Yes ok. i have done exactly everything you told me to but i still don't get sound. i used G Spot and it said the codes ARE installed. and windows media player 11 was already installed i have checked and made sure everything is set up properly like volume etc. bur i still dont get sound and im sure the video is suppose to have sound. Thank you for your time and attention.
  6. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    STEP ONE) uninstall all codec packs/single codecs, then uninstall windows media player, I think WMP might not be able to acknowledge foreign codecs because some setting has been enabled or the program is corrupt,

    STEP TWO)we are going to uninstall you audio codecS
    boot in safe mode for this (do it),on the first start screen after you start the computer (not the windows welcome screen) hit f8(it may prompt you hit another key) there will be an option to boot into safe mode> then log in
    1> go start
    2>right click my computer
    3> select properties
    4> hardware
    5> device manager
    6> scroll down until you find the title "Sound, Video controllers"
    it might be under something different depending on your version of windows
    you want to uninstall the drivers my arrows are pointing to, its ok if you don't have all the same drivers as me, just uninstall any of the drivers i pointed out to you
    now restart and boot into normal windows, at login you will prompted to install new drivers if not go control panel> make sure its in category view> printers and other hardware add hardware> then go back to the device manager and select the option at the top of the window to scan for changes

    STEP THREE)INSTALL windows media player then the same codec packs i told you about before

    you know it could have been a bad download from the start? or is this all avi files for you?

    once again post back if you have problems

  7. Nicklt

    Nicklt Regular member

    Dec 3, 2005
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