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Discussion in 'CD-R' started by matinzen, Nov 27, 2003.

  1. matinzen

    matinzen Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Hello, I recently decided that I wanted to put some of my cd's onto my computer and when I load them onto the computer they are .wma format. Now I used to download music, before all these lawsuits started happening, and the files I downloaded were in .mp3 format. Why would I want .mp3 versus .wma? Can I still burn my .wmas to a cd-r? And when I convert my .wmas to .mp3s the quality is reduced, are there any programs that will not decrease the quality so much... or is this a pointless step. Thanks for any help.
  2. slv

    slv Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    I only want to say why wma are worst than mp3.
    As u all know wma is being produced by microsoft, so if u use some software to play music (ie. Winamp) it uses MS codecs. This is the place where lays user problem. While mp3's have itself volume control wma's uses Windows-Mixer volume control (that is, mp3 volume is under Mixer volume), so when u changing in playlist from mp3 to wma it plays louder and if from wma to mp3 then mp3 plays quietly.
  3. matinzen

    matinzen Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Thank you, I did some further research and found many discussions on the topic of mp3 versus wma. I discovered that people have found wma quality to be better at higher bitrates. While at the lower bitrates it is much worse, and in the middle it is comparable. I am backing up my cds onto my harddrive, and when I take them from the cd they are wma's that is why I was asking. I have found that my wmas are the same wuality as, if not better in some cases, than the cds from which they were taken. And better still, they take up a lot less space then my mp3s did. Also, I was able to burn them to a cd successfully and the qaulity was great there also. So, as for my personal opinoin, until I do further research, I cannot tell which format I like better.

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