Hi all, I have an avi video which is 640x480 resolution. I've been trying to change it with virtualdub but it says the size of the file will be 5 gig, it is originaly only 650mb. I need to change it to 640x300 at the most. Thanks for any time or help.
Hello. Thanks for a prompt reply, I downloaded the xmpeg5.0 software but that doesn't take the video file because it is avi and it looks for mpeg files, m2v etc.I shall keep on looking.
You can try to use Adobe Premiere Pro that should solve ur problem...But you will need a OK computer in order to use it and be funtional.
Ive just tried adobe premiere v7.0, but it wont work on two computers with xp. something to do with the processor not accepted by the sse. Virtualdub wants to do the job but by increasing the size of the file by 4gig. Thanks anyway. I'll keep trying other things. Any more suggestions would be nice.
I've done it! I used video vegas 4 which done the trick. I was a bit confused using the program at first but I managed to mimic the settings of the original movie to keep all other settings the same. I think thats why the movie was so big after the converting frame sizes the first time using virtual dub, because other things were being changed aswell. I had to change the frame size so i could watch it on my chipped ps2 with divx software which can't handle anything bigger than 640x300. Anyway thanks again for your help. I shall probaly be back soon with another problem. thanks again.