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how can you make your own runescape servers? **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES OR INSTANT BANNING**

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by glitchzoo, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. finalashe

    finalashe Guest

    what i want to know is there a download for the stuff you need in it less then more then 100 mb download or do you need it all
  2. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    If you'll scroll up a bit and reflect on the guide, I have provided you with all the links are downloads. No single download for any of the items are more than 100 MB, in fact I think the largest download is of the SDK which comes in somewhere around 40 MB. You will need every download I've provided to rune the server, but totaled together they can all fit on one CD about 6 times each. (So they're all pretty small.)

    There are a few things you may want to note:
    1) What your downloading is a Runescape Private Server Client, an SDK, and an UNDEVELOPED Server. This server is just buildings, trees, and land - no monsters, NPCs, or spawinging items. All of that has to be programmed in.
    2) This server download is NOT open-source. Meaning it is a little hard to edit, but with Notepad and a good java program (such as eclipse from eclipse.org) you should be able to make it work just fine in time.
    3) Your client is adaptable, which means you can log into any private server with it. This includes BlakeScape (What my guide walks you through), MoparScape (a slightly pre-programed server application), CamScape, and a few others - all of which usually feature the word 'Scape'.
    4) You may want to look into downloading a Dynamic Update Client (DUC) from somewhere like no-ip.com and registering with them, its free. This will keep people from having to know your IP address to play, instead, they could just type in something like this: 'HackScape.no-ip.org' and it would automaticly send them to you.

    I'll discuss further tidbits later. Good luck for now.
  3. finalashe

    finalashe Guest

    the link for the java sdk thingy it dosn't have any download and when i search it it comes up with a net beans thingy and the file is huge
  4. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Neatbeans is what you want, that the SDK. The file is not really very big. I think it was like, 40MB? Somewhere in there. Anyway, if your on anything faster than dial-up it should take no more than six minutes.

    I included directions to follow in the event my SDK (netbeans) link failed to work, perhapes they would be of more assistance to you. In any case, once the installer is downloaded, run it and it will install two file directories onto your computer. One of these is netbeans (leave well enough alone), and the other is your SDK. When the installer program asks where you want to save files two, the directory path displayed in the bottom box is the route to your SDK. Within it, you will find a bin folder, and you can then continue with my directions.

  5. robno1

    robno1 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    ok i downloaded all the files that "keithyb" said to download from the links stated. however everytime i click "compile.bat" it says
    "C:\Documents and Settings\robin\Desktop\20051104-server>javac *.java'javac is not recognised as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file
    C:\Documents and Settings\robin\Desktop\20051104-server>pause
    press any key to continue....."

    thats exactly what the file says
    what do i do?
  6. robno1

    robno1 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    right i have done everything i have compiled ive got javac.exe however when i click run.bat the black box thing flashes on and of this is not suposed to happen it is suposed to stay up what can i do to rectify this sum1 plz post
  7. rosca

    rosca Member

    Feb 4, 2007
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    .....ok....my problem is(still not solved) this 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command"on moparscape
  8. robno1

    robno1 Member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    i followed the directions from that post and everythign worked it compiled i think but when i clicked run.bat it just flashed open a box and did nothing. apparently you are supposed to compile the files individually... how am i suposed to do this??
  9. drgonzrl

    drgonzrl Guest

    it dont work ive tried basicly everything!
    i can get the game to the start menu but the Server thingy dont work properly ill say what i downloaded;
    The server
    The client
    java 2 sdk

    I think that was about it for the downloading

    The Javac thing wont stay open.
    And there is no Server folder

    I cant compile and dont have the option to compile

    I ran a virus check loads of times said "no viruses found" yey

    i really want it to work so plz help me

    if u got any codes send them to me please

    for further help for me contact i'manidiot.com edited by ddp mail and msn
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2007
  10. drgonzrl

    drgonzrl Guest

    oh and i cant run.bat
    and other stuff like that
  11. drgonzrl

    drgonzrl Guest

    1 last thing

    how do you get a server and where from


    how can you compile your server

  12. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Alright, I'm back... Lets see here...

    To address everyone's main issues lets cover some basic things:
    1) I reccomend using the Netbeans SDK, because it includes a java compiler.
    2) You need to move ALL of your Server files into the same folder as your JAVAC (the compiler thing). If, for some reason, you've lost it you can search for it by going to Start -> Search -> All Files and Folders -> And typing in "javac".
    3) Once everything is in the same folder as the Javac, run the compiler and wait about a minute. It should not give you any form of error, the text displayed will simply tell you to push any key to finish.
    4) Only AFTER you have ran the compiler (which you should only have to do once, there is no way to "Compile things seperately" with this server), should you try to run the "Run.bat" thing.
    5) You must leave the DOS window open that Run.bat will bring up, that is where your server actually is. It will say something like "Blakescape Server started at" and change according to what people do on the server.

    If you follow those steps and the thing STILL isn't working you may need to review all of my directions a bit more slowly and try doing things as I present them to you, even if it means doing it again. Sorry I cannot be of further assistance, but aside from visiting each of your houses and doing this myself, my power is a bit limited.
  13. drgonzrl

    drgonzrl Guest

    i cant move the files or know what im actually doing i need help.
    how can i compile if i dont have the option to compile anyway.
    all i can do is compress it.
    have i got to download anything or do i even have the right thing on?

    is every1 talking about moparscape? because i got on pc but its called runescape instead of that. but instead of password its server like everything else and i dont get what i type into the server slot.
    ive tried ip addresses and my password but nothing works. it keeps on coming up with something like 'error logging on'

    plz anwser my question on here or live through msn;
    i'manidiot.com edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2007
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    drgonzrl, lightning struck!!
  15. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Well, if I had caught that last guy before he posted his email, I could have perhapes helped him, but now I can simply answer his questions and hope that his pwned spirit somewhere hears the answers...

    Firstly you need the Netbeans Download which I have provided detailed instructions as to aquiring within my guide. You will find this includes two installs, one for a Netbeans SDK, and one for a Java SDK. Memorize where the Java SDK is being installed and locate that folder once the installation is complete. The folder will have a couple various folders in it, the only on of intrest is the one labled "Bin". That is where you will locate JAVAC. Now it is important that you copy ALL of you SERVER files (those that you downloaded and uncompressed from the download provided in my guide) and paste them into this "Bin" folder within the Java SDK itself. From here, you should be able to pick up in my guide and follow the remaining steps without confusion.

    Dear Moderators,
    Thank you for resolving that bit of curiousity I was having about Ranking, as promised I have edited the lower half of this post, removing the question.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2007
  16. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Also,posts made in the safety valve do not count. also quality not quantity in posts counts.

  17. rsownzu

    rsownzu Member

    Feb 22, 2007
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    ya could u explain how im suposed to extract the contents i have everything downloaded but it wont let me open the two folders i first downloaded (server and client dowload)
  18. Vicious88

    Vicious88 Regular member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Oh, wow. Okay, if you're not familiar with something as common as WinRar, owning a server isn't for you, but in any case, just to be helpful, what you're looking for is a program called "WinRar" and the best place to download it is right here: http://www.download.com/3000-2250-10007677.html

    Download and install this little program and you'll be able to open up a world of things: .iso's, .rar's, .7z's,.zip's,.cab's and even more. That should move you down on the list of instructions towards setting up your own server.

    Hope that helps.
  19. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    Hey i saw how a lot of people needed help with making the server so i wrote a batch file and was hoping someone can try it out if they are having problems with making the server
  20. nckspec

    nckspec Regular member

    Jun 24, 2006
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    the file will move your server files to the right directory and will tell you if you have the javac file just listen to directions

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