Hi, We just upgraded our PowerDVD from version 6 to version 7 Ultra (to get support for high def videos) and now my old XviD videos that always worked fine with version 6 no longer work. When I play them I hear the audio but the video is just blank/black. Can anyone suggest what has happened or how to fix this? Thanks =)
I'm no expert in this field but I had this problem not so long ago and Im sure I found the solution either in the Power DVD settings or in the Nvidia Graphics driver settings. Considering your circumstances I would imagine some default settings have been changed. Try looking for "video Overlay" settings and changing the state of that which I think is in your GFX settings rather than P/DVD. I thinks that was my solution but cant remember sorry.
tis probably a codec issue. if winamp, or wmp, or vlc wont play it either, reinstall xvid codec. i'll bet itl work then.