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DPI Scanner Settings For My 4x6 Prints

Discussion in 'Digital photography' started by db62, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. db62

    db62 Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    I want to purchase a all in one printer, scanner, copier and fax for my PC. I want to be able to scan alot of my older 4x6 photos to my PC, then be able to print them out in 4x6 prints and have them look as good as my originals. I'm lost on this resolution and DPI settings for the scanner. Some of the all in one printers have optical resolution of 600x2400 or 1200x1200 or 2400x4800. How high do I really need to go, to accomplish what I want to do?

    Also what DPI setting do I really need to use on my software for my scanner (when actually scanning the photo to my PC), so that my prints will come out as close as possible to my originals?
    Or Higher???
    Will the higher settings of this DPI and the optical resolution for the scanner stuff above, really make a difference in trying to make another 4x6 photo as close as possible to my original?

    Thank You in advance to all that reply and help me straighten this out.
  2. blubyu

    blubyu Member

    Jan 23, 2006
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    Dan - 300 dpi is more then enough. I did a lot of research into this for the same reason you mention. That being said, you're scans will not come out looking as good as the original prints. You will either need to work on your photo editing skills considerably, or best yet, take the original negatives to a photolab. Ask someone you know with a newer scanner to scan a few of your pics for you and you'll see what I mean.

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