I'm having some problems with my pc and I was adviced to format and reinstall windows. I don't have a windows reinstall disc. I have a drive(D:Hp Recovery) can that help and if so how do I do it. If somebody culd help me I would really appreciate it.
Well, you must have a hp computer, its so easy, becuase your drive D is a recovery portion, all you have to do, is, At Computer startup, BEFORE:windows loads tap F11 and keep tapping Hp recovery center will load, if it does not Tap F10, and if that dont work try F12 im pretty sure its F11 (because i used to have a HP computer)but its a 2003 model anyway, after the recovery center loads it will give u a couple options, like a Standard Recovery, master recovery, Or, Factory Recovery(look for that),factory recovery, My old Hp tower used to have at the bottom of the box, advanced options, if u cant find factory recovery(look for advanced options button) after u click it, it would list a master recovery,(factory Recovery) the diffrence is:factory restore,deletes Everything,and you can start fresh, the other restore option,(standard recovery) just reinstalls the windows and (origional software ONLY) if you need any help, just post here, and ill help, but its pretty easy, just look for Factory Restore.or factory recovery(they mean the same thing pretty much) Makesure, after you restore your computer, to go into Comtrol Panel, then go into (add & Remove Programs) and delete software u dont use, it will make your computer faster, and will give you more space
Thank you or responding Should I save anything. Should I save the things in the recovery drive. You said after I restore to go to control panel and remove programs I don't need, but I thought I was going to remove everything and reinstall.
okay there is nothing u need to save inless u have important documents,that u want to back up. and when you restore your computer it will put back all origional software that came with it, so thats why after you restore the computer, uninstall all the software u dont need. so try all that. and you should be good to go
no prob all i can say now, is make sure, you install a good firewall, and virusscan, (if u need info on that just let me kno on here) glad i could help, stan
no it isnt, if its all you have well thats all you ahve, but, norton isnt very good, heres the best things to do, is, Uninstall everything that u dont use, like i said earlier, like games u dont play,apps you dont need,ect.. Uninstall all norton products and download this: http://www.download.com/AVG-Anti-Virus-Free-Edition/3000-2239_4-10788045.html?tag=lst-2 its AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, its better than norton and this is free its not a system hog like norton(doesnt slow down the system) and its free,also when u get a virus it will get rid of it(quartine) (basically what quartine means is to freeze the virus) make sure you keep it updated and scan once a week and your good to go Sine u just restored your computer,this is VERY Important: make sure you do Windows Updates, what that does is updates your computer and also downloads patches for your computer so you wont get viruses. also make sure you have a good firewall, and in "most" cases, you may need some anti-spiware software, i kno all that sounds like a lot, and is also harder to do on a dialup connection, but now days with all these wackos and sickos creating computer viruses,spyware,ect.. and steeling peoples identies, all that above is a must have and to do thing. to keep your computer from being ruined. i dont kno if youll need the links or not, but heres the linkss for FREE Firewall,and antispyware software: Firewall: http://www.download.com/Comodo-Firewall-Pro/3000-10435_4-10775568.html?tag=lst-0-5 Anti-spyware: http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-2007/3000-8022_4-10766151.html?tag=lst-0-10 here you go, let me kno how everything turns out