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i need some very valuable help

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by stevehart, Dec 11, 2003.

  1. stevehart

    stevehart Member

    Dec 11, 2003
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    first off hey all im new!
    now for the problem....

    im trying to make back-ups of my ps2 games to cd/r but im finding it very difficult
    im using cdrwin 3.9e i understand i have to first choose extract disc/tracks/sector i then use these settings:

    3. Select the 'disc image/cuesheet' radio button (1).
    4. Enter the path location of the where you would like the image file created and stored. Input an image file name and remember to ensure that the file has a .bin extension. Name the file appropriately ensuring you do not use spaces and the name is under eight characters. (2)
    5. Set to 'copy raw' for all PlayStation games (4).
    6. Set the 'error recovery' button to 'ignore' (5).
    7. Disable 'jitter correction' (6).
    The table of contents on the disc determines how to configure the setup of CDRWIN. If, in the table of contents box, you observe either a) one Mode 2 Track or b) one Mode 2 Track and one Audio Track, set 'subcode analysis' to 'auto'. If multiple audio tracks appear, set the 'subcode analysis' to 'fixed'.
    8. Set 'read retry count' to a number of at least 50.
    9. Set the 'data and audio' speeds to '1X' or '2X' for best results.
    10. Click on the 'start' button and the copying process will begin.

    once i have clicked the start button it says it is analyzing then i get this error message:
    error: unable to analyze disc layout illegal track type encountered. any ideas on what im doing wrong? from what ive read on this forum i believe it may be something to do with cd protection (one other note normally on the track selection there would be a coloured circle red or green or both with numbers in them in my case it is just a number one with no coloured circle all of the time)

    thank you to the person who helps me solve this problem

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2003
  2. stevehart

    stevehart Member

    Dec 11, 2003
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    sorry to bother but does anyone know?
  3. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Try using CloneCD or Alcohol 120% as an alternative m8.

    SlySoft CloneCD:http://www.slysoft.com/en/clonecd.html

    Shoey :)
  4. pcshateme

    pcshateme Guest

    first off, you cant copy DVD based (most are on dvd, you can only copy cd games, and you should use NERO) games to CD-there are a bunch of software that lie and say they can, but you cant fit 4GB on a 700MB disc, and you cant split them to multiple CDs, second, you need either a mod chip or swap disc to play copies.

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