Id have to agree with you on cod4, although rocket race on halo 3 is good for a laugh Doesnt seem to be much else really, very good role playing game ive just finished is mass effect, should give it a go if your in to those types of games
I agree on the COD4. Another good one is Rainbow 6 Vegas, but after playing COD4 it seems to fall a little short. Player movement and gun action is much smoother in COD. If you are into racing games, Forza Motorsports 2 is pretty awesome. Any Madden plays pretty well also.
rocket reace on halo 3 still has me, cod4 is taken a bit serious if you ask me, people booting you out of a lobby if your rank isnt good enough etc,how lame can people get?! , should make rocket race ranked to get more people interested in it though. Looking forward too Army of Two aswell
i gotta go with COD4 also. great well rounded game, except message of the day is always the same which is kinda lame. i found Vegas to be kinda glitchy on MP. the game play wasn't smooth at all
As far as I know Call of Duty 4 is the best.It easily ranks highest in shooting games out right now and the gameplay is fantastic.Everytime Im on Xbox live basically every freind is playing COD4 and Halo 3.Halo 3 gets boring after a while if you ask me though.I beat the game and have 980 acheivment points on if u ask me,Cod4 gets my vote.
1. (soon)Madden 09 - custom team play online/leagues/drafts! 2. BF Bad company 3. COD4 - can't stand sandboxes, one I do put up with 4. Vegas2 5. halo3 - getting old...
This September marks the 5th year that I've had Xbox Live, and this is my all time rank: 1. Halo 2 2. COD4 3. Ranbow Six: 3 4: Halo 3 5: Gears of War
I haven't played anything online seriously for a while, but I used to reallly enjoy Halo 2 and Street Fighter 3 Third Strike (I doubt anyone plays anymore, lol.) Looking forwards to playing Duke 3d though once the XBLA version gets released!
been playing Bad Company lately, find it very good, looking forward to new maps, not too impressed with conquest mode though.