I bought stargate special edition from walmart. I tried to play it in my laptop (toshiba) (vista) My computer wouldn't read it. Any suggestions?
yah for some reason vista don't like dvd's, powerdvd will play dvd's on a vista system, also vlc player will also play the disks. with vlc player make sure that you have the latest version vista, here is the link http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html
Uh I would back it up but It won't even load on my laptop so getting a new player won't help me at all. But thanks for your input. Also this is the 1999 version of stargate special edotion DVD. Its just strange it plays on my PS2 and DVD player but not my computer I am going to try it on anothrer computer and see what happens.
bond22 anydvd or dvdfab decrypter both will remove the copy protection from the store bought stargate dvd so its possible using either one of the thoses programs that your drive may be able to read it. i would try anydvd theres a free 21 day trial download it here http://www.slysoft.com/en/
Hey thanks I used DVDDEcrypter and it is decryting right now. I hope this works I am going to downloa dthe player someone suggested. Hey guys thank you so much it seemed to me hat I ha dto be on the internet for it to work.
thats why i posted I can explain because i knew it wouldn't make sense lol heres a guide to use dvdfab decrypter dvd shrink and imgburn dvdfab decrypter to rip dvd shrink to transcode(sometimes you will need to use FixVTS or VOB Blanker to clean the file before transcoding with dvd shrink) then nero, imgburn or dvd decrypter to burn. http://www.dvdfab.com/free.htm guides to use it http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/ http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154