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DNS Server

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by imtek, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. imtek

    imtek Member

    Jan 24, 2008
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    Hi everybody, I am new in using Linux..and for my university project, I have been assigned to set up a DNS Server on Linux.....can anyone help me in solvin zis prob..wot is the best Linux distri I can use and what are z steps that I must undertake for success.

  2. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    Have you read your lecture notes? Or tried Google? Any distro should be able to do what you want at the end of the day, I suggest you scan around the net for reviews or www.distrowatch.com and look into the top 10-20. I personally like Arch, but it isn't made for beginners, and no, I won't help you install it either. Every distro will have its own installation manual and its own forums to help out with installation issues.


    The installation part mightn't apply to any other distro as Gentoo is a bit different, but the rest probably applies. Just install as you would any other app for whichever distro you pick. I don't know or care much about DNS as long as it works, but if they're good for anything, the Gentoo guys can write a good wiki page.
  3. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Didn't we cover this in the ubuntu sharing connection thread?



    Please write your exam paper like that.. Guaranteed fail, even if you know the answers.. ;)

    Hi Mick.. Did you know 21Q called us "hard"? gave me a good laugh I can say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2008
  4. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    "Hard". Hahaha! What can I say, my cynicism and sarcasm levels have gone off the charts since I've started hanging around in here, I've learnt from the best (looking at you Jan...). I just can't stand it when the solution to a question can be found with an "I Feel Lucky" search of Google... I also can't stand it when Uni students come here looking for lazy answers...

    I swear, if I ever see someone posting quiz questions again, I'm going to answer all of them. Incorrectly. When I was at Uni, almost all answers - even in final year courses - could be found in either lecture notes, tutorial answers or the prescribed text book.
  5. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    SLES9 SP4 WOOT! or RH5U1...
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Heh heh heh.. same here.. I started when unix help was 200 dusty arcane manuals slowly collapsing a shelf in the printer room.. apart from the REALLY important ipchains one.. which was propping up the coffee machine.
    ("if you have coffee the network will fix itself.. don't mess.. it's probably just somebody changed a network device.. reboot the network and see what happens.. Always attempt a network restart at 4.50pm on a Friday..then when it doesn't work you have the whole weekend to ignore it instead of spoiling a nights drinking by trying to ignore it"-- Jim Jackson?? my mentor all those years ago at Watsons.. smoker of a "fault finding" pipe.. man was a genius.. if it took 2 pipes it was a biggie. Taught me 90% of what I know.. or "how to look busy while doing something unrelated to the job in hand" Priceless skill)
    Never did get to read those 400 pages of obscurity. That simple iptables guide just convinced me how lucky I was.

    Hope we get a quiz soon.. can't wait to get busy with the "sounds plausible" BOFH answers..

    The lifesaving link.. http://bofh.ntk.net/Bastard.html
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2008
  7. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    I've always loved the idea of having an excuse of the day calendar... Wish someone would make one, would brighten up my day like nothing else trying to work that into the cries for help. That brings back memories, I spent a few long nights going through all the old ones...

    But yeah, there won't be a shred of sarcasm if quizes ever pop up here again, I'll be waiting patiently for them to come back with their "Iz failzed z tezt!", just hope I don't get a hernia from all the laughing I'll be doing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2008
  8. varnull

    varnull Guest

    I have a random BOFH quote generator on my IRC client..

    Todays instant excuse..

    "Reformatting Page. Wait...

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