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Why im pissed off at the British Sporting public

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by Oriphus, Dec 17, 2003.

  1. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    You know what the worst thing is about the British winning anything?? They never shut the feck up about it. When im watching the soccer on tv all you hear is "oh Johnny wilks would be proud of that". They dont realise, that thats part of the reason why the rest of the world hates the British. They are bad losers and even worse winners. Arrogant bunch of knobs. It really does bug me. i've nothing against Rugby, but come on...its not on the same par as soccer. Yet we have all the media hype talking about Rugby possibly being the next biggest british sport????? Huh??? Did you know that the average amount of people watching a live game of Rugby in the UK on a Saturday and Sunday, wouldnt even fill up half of the seats in Man Uniteds Old trafford Stadium? Come on you stupid brits, get off your high horse and realise that winning the Rugby World Cup isnt the best thing since butter. in fact, you could say that you are under achieveing since as a big sporting nation, you win feck all. Maybe you should be ashamed its the first European or world cup in any of the big sports since the 1966 World Cup. Could you imagine it if they won the World cup in soccer??? My god David Beckham would be crowned king of England. The British menatlity is, "Why does everyone get irritated by us"?? Try recording yourselves and playing it back to a neutral and you will find out. Damn it really pisses me off........

    Not let me get one thing clear, i dont have anything against the Brits, except Herbsman since he supports Spurs ;-) but they really do need to learn how to be good winners. The type of winners that people look at and say well done. I would like to see England doing well in the Euro 04, since Ireland are out, but i couldnt stand them winning because of how arrogant they are. Am i on my own in thinking this??

    Glad i got htat off my chest. A similar comment made by me in an email to both Skysports News and Radio fivelive was read out on both. Some unhappy replies to it and the commentators just laughed after reading it. But i guess they were the type of people i was talking about...
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Glad you feel better Oriphus.

    The Brits by no means have a monopoly though. We Yanks can get pretty bad too. We just don't show it through sports - except when we won the gold in Olympic hockey over the Russians way back when!

    And I won't go into the French ;)_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Gun Control - The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, strangled with her pantyhose is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to the police how her attacker recieved that fatal bullet wound.[/small]
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2003
  3. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Well being British, I shall have to defend us.......not.....

    Actually I do agree with Oriphus.......

    Going back to Johnny f....ing Wilkinson.....what makes HIM so goddam special????????

    Ebay has been flooded with signed shirts.....yeah right - he gets off the plane and the first thing he does.....I know I shall sign shit loads of shirts down at the factory.......

    He gets Sports Personality of the Year.....for one game.......geeeez....he has got no personality.....just a good foot and a nice girlfriend....

    Granted he is a good player and kicked the winning goal.........but I thought there was more than one person on the team that WON it....

    Goddam it, anyone COULD have kicked that goal(it wasn't even a clean kick, like his others that missed that day)......so really that would mean ANYONE could have received the award.....I don't think so......
    The team MADE him and yet he reaps the benefits......total crap.......

    Nice one Johnny for manipulating the f.....ed up British public.....now you can sit back and count your pounds.........

    Nice on British public for voting him.......obviously without him we would have never made it to the World cup..........we owe sooooo much to Johnny.......goddam it I am going outside right now to make a shrine......I will love you always.........not...
  4. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Yeah, gald to see some of the Brits agree with me. Although i have nothing against Johnny and actually believe that its quite likely that he doesnt want the press attention considering he has always been a quiet person. He was well spoken at the ward ceremony for sports player of the year. I do think its a bit ridiculous having Johnson coming second and Wilks coming first. Poor Paula Radcliff. She has done far more than them winning and breaking records all year and previous years. She should have won and Johnson relaised that and said to her, you should have my medal.
  5. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Here here.....

    BTW: Paula Radcliffe looks like a proper representation of a pure female.......and a nice one at that.....

    Whereas johnson looks like a representation of the caveman era.......no offense (really) Martin......but you are a giant and probably a force to be reckoned with.....(baabaa really quivering, baa.....)
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Praetor is paying attention now.....
  7. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    hi all

    i was going about my bussiness one day and i heard this on the radio!

    If an american sees a nice mercedez going down the road he says, i will get one of those one day when i can afford it!

    If an english man sees a nice mercedez going down the road he says, dam big head tosser, did daddy buy you that? punk!

    well i think you get the picture!

  8. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Yeah, i think its the mentality of the Brits. There are a lot of lovely Brits, like Herbsman and BaaBaa (lol) and many others, but really they need to do somethign about their big headed news reporters and sports presentators. They're really bugging me.
  9. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    This thread could get really interesting.......

    Just waiting for a politcian to join in now, then it will really hot up...LOL
  10. safc_66

    safc_66 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Yes Oriphus, gotta agree with you on the Rugby front. Reason it's so 'popular' at present is 'cos it's a total 'toff-public-school' sport, whereas footy is owned by the raggy-arsed majority (us lot !)Know a bloke who packed in playing for his local rugby club 'cos his fellow team-mates shoved a beer bottle up his arse on the bus returning from a match, go figure !!!!!
  11. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    LMFAO - A beer bottle, that gotta hurt. Rugby would be fun to play if all the current Rugby players arent a bunch of feckin twats, well here in Belfast anyway. Its all the Snobby schools play it and all the players think they are God's. Do you know how many Rugby players i've gotten into fights with because they think they are big toughies. Well, not that many actually, bout 5 in recent years. But the point is, they always think they rule the roost. I cant stand their arrogance just because they think they play a big tough mans sport. Out of my 5 or so fights i had with "Big" Rugby players (And some where considerably bigger than me), i beat all 5. ITs not because im a good fighter (though i boxed for nearly 3 years) or that im a heavy fella (im 13 stone, but very fit), its because they always think they are tougher just because they play Rugby. Damn it, it irritates me.

    We had an intersports day at football training where our Soccer players played soccer afainst the Rugby players (who were sliding in everywhere on us) and then played Rugby against them. Rugby is piss easy. You dont even need a good scrum. All our footballers were 10 times fitter than the Rugby palyers. We whipped rings round them. I scored a try as well.

    There's another thing that really irritates me. Why call it a try when u have scored???? I was watching the football and the fecking commentator starting talking crap about football following the example that Rugby set with the Sin Bin???? Hello, Rugby were just copying numerous other sports, but you couldnt tell an English commentator that. Maybe Rugby should follow the example of footballers, and not use a stupid shaped football that has a probability factor everytime you kick it. Where's the skill in that. You never know where it is going to land.

    Rugby palyers, admit it. All you are are fat footballers who couldnt make the cut. If you admit it ill be happy.
  12. baabaa

    baabaa Active member

    Jan 7, 2003
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    Still LMFAO.........

    What about the Irish then.....always boasting about beating rugby players up........LOL...

    I used to player rugga' at school - I was a forward.......no-one messes with the forwards.....we are considered the 'bad asses' of a team......the ball is ours.....arrrrgh!!!

    We seek it here, we seek it there
    If Oriphus has it, we don't care
    He cannot hide from the forwards' scorn
    And we'll always find him, here at afterdawn......

    Keeping up the humour here.........have a good one....
  13. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    lol - I like the poem :D :D

    So your one of the big guys at the front. The real ugly and mashed up guys (lol) that think everyone is afraid of ya. Bring it out my little sheep. lmao

  14. SabreLord

    SabreLord Guest

    Going back to the SPorts Personality of the year. What about when Owen and Henman won it? How the fuk did they win it considering they have done fuk all for their sport.
  15. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    I agree. To be honest, i feell that to win it a sports person has to be more than a one or two season wonderer. Someone who has done a lot for the sport. If Johnny Wilkinson continues to make headlines they maybe he should win it, a few years down the line, but not now.
  16. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    This was good. Its always fun to read a good Oriphus rant. I like Montreal fans, they lose and they riot. They win and they riot. Oh fun and free stuff for all. I do agree about the ruby players, but think it is even more the case with North American Football players. the amount of padding is crazing and these guys think they are so tough. One of my friends in High school, played ruby and football. And always commented on much the football players were wimps. I don't mean soccor!!! Soccor players are crazy, they excercise on injuries :p But we don't know anyone like that here.
  17. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    I do enjoy a good rant every so often. Dont start me on the government funding rediculous amounts of money to buy stupid art and artifacts for museums when there are people who are starving in the world and in their own country.

    American Footballers do wear a lot of padding and really tight trousers. I think they would feel vulnerable wearing what rugby players wear. Makes me think of them as chicken shits. However, Ice Hockey players would probably need most of that gear. Ice Hockey players are all nuts, so are the fans. they just go mad at anything. lol
  18. jonss

    jonss Guest

    Hmmmm............it seems my rant was bumped from this thread and I can't fathom why. I was hoping to receive some replies from offended Australian sports addicts. If only to expand their limited understanding of Sportsmanship.
  19. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Yeah, i've noticed that one or two of my replies have gone aswell?? Strange. Can any of the Mod's or Admins explain this?
  20. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

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