Any body got any suggestions on this one? 50% of the time that I try to burn a bin/que file with nero ultra 6.0 is throws me an error on line 1. Actually the first thing it says is: cannot open the file d:\vfsroot\......then i click ok and it says an error accured while loading the cue sheet file (line 1)...any help would be greatly appreciated.
-Moved to better forum- 1. The error you get is probably because you moved the CUE file and/or the BIN file from the original expected folders or you renamed them. 2. Another common error is having the wrong cue file for a given BIN file. You can create CUE files for BIN images by first drag-and-dropping the BIN file onto CDMage. It will popup a dialog box asking you to specify the interpretation format. Trial and error will get one to to successfully open the image. Once it is opened, File --> Save As and give it a new name. CDMage will resave the BIN file but now also include a CUE file to go with it.