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i need help with the xmugen

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by G40125, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. G40125

    G40125 Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    bad access: block=0, count=1
    -request: 1/0 error, dev 03:38 (hda), sector 0
    mount: mounting /dev/hda56 /cdrom failed: invalid argument
    mount: /cdrom invalid argumnet
    mount:/dev/hdb is write protected, mounting read only
    om:/ open failed
    mount:/dev/hdb is write protected, mounting read only
    om:/ open failed
    mount:/dev/hdb is write protected, mounting read only
    om:/ open failed
    mount:/dev/hdb is write protected, mounting read only
    om:/ open failed
    mount:/dev/hdb is write protected, mounting read only
    om:/ open failed
    mount:/dev/hdb is write protected, mounting read only
    om:/ open failed
    mount: Mounting dev/hdb /cdrom failed: No medium found
    panel panic: Attempted to kill init!

    only that is in my xbox wend i try to open xmugen what i have to do to make work
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    WTF?? If you explain what you are trying to do and why maybe you would get an answer..

    As for the errors..

    Error=1 sector 0.. that usually means no bootstrap (mbr) and either a faulty drive or wrongly set up.

    A HDD can only have up to 5 physical partitions.. hda56 is a very high number and probably does not exist..
  3. G40125

    G40125 Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    ok i get the xmugen and follow the tips to intall

    fut the folder in F:mame
    and copy the default xbe in F:games in the same direction
    and try to run but it got me the same thing i write last message.
    i wanna play xmugen i cant play it
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Searching is your friend. Just found this -

  5. G40125

    G40125 Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    ok i get this in ??? site and the only thing i dont hahe is this

    Updated XMugen-linuxb3 distro (V3 with Alg's newest irdloop). By Alg5

    and wend i put the files in the xbox like is rite in M_U_G_E_N_Wiki
    the game dont came out and say something about dont have this

    mnt/games/xmugen/swapfile/r1skyswap not found

    and i dont know what to do

    i just wanna play it xmugen and i dont give up until i can play it in xbox.
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i'm done, a simple copy/paste was all i was here for, ie leading G40125 to water, not going to help him drink the water too :p
  8. G40125

    G40125 Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    ok only i need the files so are in the swapfile folder
    i heard it was of 1GB. but where i can get it
  9. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    uhhh..i have the same issue....and that "simple drag n drop" didnt help.....
    any1 out there with a WORKING solution????
  10. maguscole

    maguscole Member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    The drag and drop didn't work for me also. All my files where put into F:/Games, but when I load up xmugen I get

    Error loading file \??\D:\bzimage

    I am running xenium gold chip with evox and xbmc.

    Any Suggestions?

  11. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    Yep.... i ftp-ed all to the F:\Games folder as well,,,But after booting through unleashx i keep getting this whole line of text and an "Kernel Panic: Attempted to Kill Init!" error.....
    btw..im sitting on a 500gb hdd,,,(incase size may be the problem)
    any insights folks??
  12. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    sprry 4 double posting.....i now have the swap file.....its over 1gig insize...so where does it go??
  13. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    im back...and i finally got past the swapfile error..but now im getting:
    "static/ash : can't access tty, job control turned off
    joy@key -joystick one to keys
    using parameters.
    joy2key2 - joystick two to keys.
    using parameters."
    I rebooted with either 1 or 2 joysticks, but nothing....
  14. G40125

    G40125 Member

    Jan 30, 2008
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    then how i can have the swapfile or how to create the swapfile...
    i try in mandriva but... i can't because i don't know how...
    please tell me.
  15. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2008
  16. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    i pray you finally figure this out...im assuming your aiming to have it running from F:\
    i downloaded my smugen from here http://hosted.filefront.com/seanp2500 when unzipped its about 4.5gb mostly because the swapfile is already in there....
    keep us posted on your progress......
    @ G40125
    follow the above link...the swapfile is included in there...
    But remember, if you get this working don't forget to help me out aswell.. :)
  17. varnull

    varnull Guest

    I know how to make a swapfile.. so I don't really need all that empty space (plus why d/l 4.5 gigs when 1 will do? ;). I'm tired now, but probably will sleep on it and have a good attack tomorrow evening (friday)

    You want it all running off F:.. I think the loader needs to go on E:.. from the little reading that I did earlier, but there is a cfg file which seems to have editing options.

    Will keep you posted and if I need any info from you about paths to files etc I will ask ;)
  18. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Forget it guys.. none of the 3 I got down will work at all. 2 will not transfer because of long filenames/illegal characters, and the third.. well it just doesn't work at all.. not even on my pc in linux. Apparently there is one working version.. but I don't know which one that is. Most are just crap built by people who have obviously never ever seen an xbox.

    if you really want to waste loads and loads of time trying to fix it http://randomselect.i-xcell.com/mugenfaq.htm but be warned.. it will not even run on a powerful full linux pc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2008
  19. jeezy103

    jeezy103 Guest

    guess the apocalypse is nigh...'cause i just downloaded a pack which actually works right outta the box..
    unzip, ftp to hdd and voila...even teh swapfile is already included
    its about 2.1gb(compressed) and 4.6gb(uncompressed0 with over 600 characters...works perfectly from f:\games..
  20. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Well as it's legal why not link to it so others can have it?? I wasted 3 days I could have used on something much more worthwhile trying to help people...

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