This may not be the right forum to ask in, If its not, i'm sorry. Anyone actually gone and gotten their A+ Cert? I'm planning on scheduling/attempting the test before the next semester at college starts. I've got an up-to-date book (PassPort Books,Mike Meyers,supposedly printed in December of 07) And i plan on memorizing it, but is there anything in particular that i should focus on, more than anything else? I was going to take my Net+, But i was convinced that not only was A+ easier, but supposedly the A+ is overlapped quite a bit in the Net+, so i should go for the A+ First. Any tips? Edited because i put C+, not A+ My bad. Lack of sleep.
The A+ consists of 2 parts, OS and Hardware. I found most of the questions to be pretty straight forward for both sections. The one area that I think most people aren't properly prepared for is the printers. Make sure you study the different parts of the printers and how they work.
Thanks for the tip silk, I plan to go for my A+ in the near future as well, just need to find time to study... :-D
i just got mine with the old test,because they have changed sometime last year,but beware they were asking questions about phones dam near at&t crap.
Thanks for the advice, i really appreciate it. I havn't really looked through my A+ book yet, but it does seem to be pretty simple. granted, most of the questions have a "gimmy" answer. Serously. one of the questions is when is it okay to yell at a customer support customer.
There are questions about customers? Is this one the exam or in you book? I was under the assumption that this test is about PC knowledge... :-D
This was one of the questions in the book, your supposed to read the chapter, then there are a couple of questions about what you read in that chapter. I guess the first chapter is about profesional courtesy and how to deal with customer service. I havn't taken the test yet, thats another couple of weeks in the future.
Yeah, I got a couple books out of the library, but they're outdated -- 2005, so I have to go buy a more recent one. The introductory chapters in both of them seem to kinda cover customer service, etc. but that stuff isn't on the A+ Exam Objectives (found here: Still, it's good stuff to know. EDIT: K, I looked over their site, and from what I understand there, the exams have changed? Before, you needed Core Hardware Exam and the OS Technologies Exam, but now it says "Two exams are required to achieve certification. One of the exams must be CompTIA A+ Essentials." Anyone care to elaborate?
I am looking for good books to study for the a+ exams. Anyone know of any good ones to study. I want to start getting certified.