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help please

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by tarad, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. tarad

    tarad Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    i know this is old news guys, but i am trying to write an iso file to
    cdr using alcohol 120%. i select playstation as datatype for it is a
    psx file. but under the dropdown for speed it only shows 8 x and up
    i am using sony cdr 48x speed . why can i burn at 1x. my burner burns up to 52x. do i need to use a lower max speed cdr. thanks for the help
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    It's already a burnable image.. just burn it. Setting modes in alcohol 120% when burinng existing isos means the program is having to split up the file and remake it on the fly.. leading to the incredibly slow speeds..

    Don't burn ps1 backups at over 4x.. top is 16x but usually jumpy.. anyway ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2008

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