disk one installes the game about 35% its the play disk too. Has protection 2.9 safe disk. I backed that up great. at 35% it ask for disk to ( installs all the components it says" clonexxl says it has not protection or its unknown. I tried to just burn the disk with nero it tells me its copywrited. I then used clonecd and did an on the fly game cd burn. The disk does not read to install the game ...any idea how to burn disk 2?
If there is no Safedisc cd protection on cd 2 then use CloneCD "copy on the fly" and read the image at 24x and burn at 8x. Play the backup in your dvd\cd-rom, not your cd burner. If the backup fails to launch then insert the "play" disc in your burner and enable CloneCD's "hide cd-r"(ATIP) in system tray(startup).Always read\burn pc\audio protection at lower speeds= less coasters! Shoey
and yet one last quesiton u load clone cd -4 tabs appear - u pick copy cd -select the drive your copying from(where do u adjust speed here)??? -then i select game cd -check "copy on the fly" -hit next pick cd writer -u hit next then i see a write speed to write..but when i go back thers not one where your copying from... thanks