Can't boot into safe mode

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by ucfmoe, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. ucfmoe

    ucfmoe Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    When I try to boot into safe mode, I get the scrolling text that you're supposed to see, but once the screen fills up with text, it just stops scrolling and the computer will reboot. Any ideas?
  2. maxtech07

    maxtech07 Member

    Apr 14, 2007
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    Can you boot without safe mode and why are you trying to boot in safe mode in the first place?
  3. ucfmoe

    ucfmoe Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    The computer boots up fine if I want it to boot up normally, I need to boot into safe mode so I can run the system restore feature.
  4. silk42

    silk42 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    I once ran across this problem with a computer. It would boot fine to run Windows, but would keep rebooting if I wanted to boot into safe mode. I even called Microsoft and explained the problem, but they didn't provide a solution. Eventually, I simply reinstalled Windows. Since I rarely use SafeMode, it's hard to tell when the problem first happened or what caused it.
  5. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    it seems your bios has some how become corrupted, you need to reflash it

    if you know what version your bios is try and find an update for it, it'll request that you burn the files to a cd of floppy, then boot with these files there will be on screen directions and you just enter a few times and your nios will be reinstalledf

    here is a faq/guide

    if you provide me with
    *brand of computer and version along with os
    your bios version

    then i can supply you with a download link to your latest bios!

  6. ucfmoe

    ucfmoe Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    I have a Gateway 840GM, thanks for all of your help.
  7. silk42

    silk42 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    Just an FYI. In my case, I had an HP dc7600 and it had the latest BIOS version, so that's not necessarily the problem. In fact, I swapped the hard drive and put it into another HP dc7600 and it still had the same problem.
  8. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    silk42 - what ucfmoe is describing is a bios that wont boot (corrupted Rom read probably, so we cant go further until his bios does boot so YES it is the problem, as of right now until we get into windows we need to fix that BIOS!

    UCFMOE-lets install your new Bios! PB94510J.15A.0406&uid=186969905

    if you need any help installing please ask, id be more then happy to
    help you with the installtion process it!

    this can be found on the link i gave you "How to install"

    it's also viewable on there site, that i linked you to,

    questions?, comments?, results?
    post back!
  9. ucfmoe

    ucfmoe Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    Worked like a charm!!! Thanks for your help.
  10. silk42

    silk42 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    Sorry if I misread, but as you can see from ucfmoe's quote above, it appears to say that he could boot up fine under normal mode, but only had problems with safe mode. Then again, I don't have a PHD in English. Anyway, I just thought I'd add that I've had that problem before and it wasn't worth my time trying to figure it out. The only reason I called MS was to see if there was a quick fix as I like to retain information for future issues. After spending hours on the phone doing mundane tasks and having different techs call me for a week, I finally gave up.
  11. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    silk42- i have seen you post before and i had no intent of undermining you! i forgot he could boot into windows.....BUT just some info i can pass down to you, the bios is not on the hardrive(im not sure if you were implying it was or not)!! it's on a ROM chip (read only memory, there are some new chipsets or containers for storing the bios recently), so if the bios crashes but windows boots then install a new bios!


    windows wont boot (crashes at start) and the bios boots but will crash once windows starts at safe mode or any setting then your issue is windows
    (there are exceptions)
    thats how i tell the difference with a vague description;)

    btw:what language are you posting in?

  12. silk42

    silk42 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2007
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    I probably wasn't clear enough on my post. I put the hard drive that was having the problems booting into safe mode into another HP dc7600 computer that wasn't having the problems. Thus, I was using a new BIOS because I was using a new computer, which has a new motherboard, which contains the BIOS chip. With all of that said, I still couldn't boot into safe mode. This meant that the only constant to the problem was the hard drive and the software installed on it. All tests performed on the hard drive came back clean, so I'm 99.9% sure that it was a Windows software issue.

    We use drive images at my place of work, so I already spent more time than I needed to, but I wanted to solve the issue just because I like to be knowledgeable in my area of work. After running out of ideas, I did searches online, but nothing came back that was useful. My last step was to call MS, but as I stated earlier, even they weren't able to help me.

    For the record, after reinstalling on that hard drive, I was able to boot into safe mode just fine. To this day, I still don't know why Windows would boot normally but would fail booting in safe mode. What made it so weird was that most of our computers all have the same image, but only this one computer was having the problem.
  13. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    alas C#/c/c++ has its issues but is universal none the less, but ya know windows can be very mysterious at times~~~

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