I have an external hard drive that I store all of my music, movies, pictures, etc. on. My main machine is a PC running XP Pro, but I also have a Macbook Pro for a laptop. I sync my iPod and iPhone through my laptop because I like the integration. Now, seeing as how Macs look at drives with names and not letters like Windows, I'm having a little problem sharing the external drive over my network. Now, the drive's nickname is "THE FRIDGE". It comes up as that on both machine when physically connected. However, now that I've chosen to share my Music folder (F:\Music is the path), the drive's networked name is simply "fridge". In Windows, I can go to "\\FRIDGE", which is fine I guess, but it's not what I need. What I really need is for it to be "\\THE FRIDGE". Is there any way to change a drive's NETWORKED NAME, not the actual name of it?
In windows, go to the properties window of the drive. Under the sharing tab, i see "network sharing and security" below a check box for "Share this folder on the network" and below that is "Share name" it gives you a box to type in what you want to call it.