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Problems with Divx MPEG4-Low-Motion and AC3

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by DrewS, Aug 20, 2002.

  1. DrewS

    DrewS Member

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Hey there!!! I have been doing several encodings over the past 6 months and have run into an issue with a large group of files that were ripped from dvds in Europe and i am unable to convert them to VCD.

    I looked threw all the forums here for some process for the extraction of AC3 audio combined with a Divx MPEG4-Low-Motion video and didn't find anything. Is there a tread or written process that i could use to do this.

    I have no problem playing these files, but using VutualDub doesn't work. In order for me to convert them to a VCD compatible format, I am trying to use VutualDub to separate the AC3 sound and convert it from 48000Hz to 44100Hz. I get an error that I get reads: "The requested audio compression is not compatible with the input format. Check that the sampling rate and channel count of the input match those of the requested format".

    I have been looking all over the Net looking for some clues to an easy way to rip the audio from these AVI's but to no avail... and as i said i need to do the Hz conversion as well to make them VCD compatible.

    Please help!!!!
  2. Sai999

    Sai999 Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    use dvd2avi to convert it from 48 to 44.1 kHz. Then CDex to convert it to wav-riff. Then when in VDub load it in as a wav audio and it should work. Hopes that helps. If u need further help look at the guide for convert dvd to divx5 in 16:9 and follow the steps beginning at the dvd2avi and cdex part only.
  3. DrewS

    DrewS Member

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Sai999 thanks for the reply.. i d/led the dvd2avi prog and gave it a try.. but no dice my friend.

    I read over the documentation, of course after trying to follow the procedure outlined in "Copy your DVD into DivX5 format - Guide for 16:9 anamorphic movies", but the prog doesn't seem to like my source file.

    It would seem that dvd2avi only likes VOB files found on DVD's.. My source is already an AVI that needs conversion.

    Thanks again.. I hate that i am such a newbie. Please help if you can!
  4. Sai999

    Sai999 Member

    Aug 19, 2002
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    Hehe sorry that it didnt work. I also a newbie xnow at least i know it only for dvds, which i mostly deal with anyways. Thanks for you info.

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