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Best Video Editing computer program under 300.00?

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by cocorubs, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. cocorubs

    cocorubs Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I have a camcorder that uses HI8 Tapes, and I want to transfer it to my computer, which I can. What's the best program to do that, and thus edit it into a movie or a newsprogram. I want to make a video with lots of effects. What's the best software program to do this? I also want to record it to a DVD.

    Keep in mind: This is an analog transfer to my computer into Digital, which I want to edit my homemovies to make them like movies with lot's of songs and lot's of effects, then burn them to DVD's.

    Thanks for any help
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    You aren"t going to Be able to Find a High end Video editing/Capture Program for that Price, Maybe double that Price...Most Good editing Programs of which I own Most some even twice usually will run you about $600-$900...Something Like "Vegas Video 4/DVD Architect" or "Adobe Premier Pro" are going to be about $700 includeing some of the Plugins Like Mpeg encodeing a dolby digital encodeing...The Cheapest one I can think of that I would Rate as a Good all arround editor Is "Media Studio Pro 7" and it is about $450 US...I am sort of Lucky Cuz I work as a Video Editor For a Big Studio and everytime there is a New Editing Package that comes out the Company I work for gets sent a Promotional Copy of the Software hopeing that we will Buy it for all of your editing workstations as We have 46 Video Editors and editing workstations were I work, so Once or twice a Month my boss comes in with a Bunch of Promo Packages of the Latest Editing , Effects , DVD Authoring ECT software and leaves them in the Coffee room for us , so I get all Kinds of stuff Most of which is Crap but I keep all the Good Stuff..So when it comes to editing Software I have literally Tried them all and Own them all...

    You are going to need something else becides software since you are captureing from an Analogue Hi8 Cam you are going to need a Analogue Capture device to transfer the Video to your PC and you are alo going to need a Dedicated Fast and Large Hard drive because Captured Video Files take up an enormous Ammount of Disk Space if you want to capture to the Highest Quality, you will Need at least 100gb which will hold about 2-6 Hours of Raw Video depending on what resolution you capture to and if you use Software/Hardware compression....A High Quality Analogue Capture Device can cost anywere from $100-$300 plus the Hard drive which can run $80...Well If you need any More Info on Video editing and software ECT you can PM me with your E-mail and I"ll try to help you the best I can....Cheers
  3. potroll

    potroll Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Or you can get Adobe Primere Pro off Kazaa for free like I did and save yourself 700 dolars. it works Great and if you are scard to use kazaa, i can send it to you....It comes with a key generater so that it will be impossible for you to get cought doing this :p.
  4. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Or you could read the rules/obey the law and not offer anyone pirated software.
  5. dfd9880

    dfd9880 Member

    Jan 10, 2003
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    Minion - I am not worried about the cost (yes I am) but what I do need is a process tha describes the steps that I need to research in order to take a movie that I read in with a "dazzle" unit in this case that was supposed to mpeg encode the data and turn it into a final DVD product for my family.

    I have been blindly/succefully making DVD backups so when my kids friends walk on the disks I just make a new one but the video tranfer/editing process is new to me.

    Thanks for you input.

  6. samintx

    samintx Regular member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    I'm not sure if it is only for clips, stills but I just bought from 321 Studio "DVDShow". It is suppose to make great Burnslike movies from clips.

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