Hi since HD DVD is a diying format I was just wondering why the Toshiba HD-XA2 1080p HD-DVD Player is still so expensive. There are other HD 1080p players for far less? Thanks...
Toshiba HD-XA2: >the best build quality of all the 2nd and 3rd gen models >the only one with the Reon HQV video processor chip >Toshiba's flagship model >MSRP was $999 when announced in 2006 (I bought mine for $700 a few months after launch) http://www.engadgethd.com/2006/09/14/2g-hd-dvd-players-announced-hd-a2-and-hd-xa2-499-and-999/
Well not really. It's been a great machine. The important thing is this: Any 2.0 BluRay player that costs less than $700 will be considered a bargain!
Uh, any PS3 will support Profile 2 and the 40G can be had for as little as $325, new. I hate that Sony won, but reality is reality.
They won because Sony paid Warner the big bribe a month back. It did not hurt that the PS3 plays Blu Ray, of course, and that the XBox 360 only does HD-DVD as a (formerly expensive) add-on. The wrong guys won, but that is spilt milk so we are stuck with DVD/upconverting and Blu Ray until the download option kills them both. Sure hope Sony loses a lot of money, in the end.