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M3 real or simply?

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by V4oLDbOY, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. V4oLDbOY

    V4oLDbOY Member

    Feb 29, 2008
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    What are the advantages, other tahn the rumble pack(which i dont want or need) of the real. What I am asking is cant they both do the same things?

    - play ds roms games
    - play movie/music
    - play homebrews, games and apps, like the orginize one
  2. HG27

    HG27 Guest

    Here are the specs for the M3DSS.

    Here are the specs for the M3DSR.

    The big differences I can see in the M3DSR are that it has multi-language support, auto DLDI patcher, and can support micro SDHC.

    Other wise all the things you mentioned can be done on both flash carts.

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