I've been trying to update my hard drive, and I've just read that softmods make two eeprom files and the correct one can be found in E:\UDATA\2xxxxxxxxxxxxx\00000000000000\Backup. Whenever I backup my eeprom and try to update the hard drive, I get error 06. Other than to use SIDS, how can I backup my CORRECT eeprom?
Update - I've tried backing up the eeprom a number of different ways - Slayer's disc, the Auto-Installer Disc, ConfigMagic, EvoX dash, and every time it's the virtual "fake" eeprom, even the one in E:\UDATA\2xxxxxxxxx\00000000. Should I just remove the softmod and reinstall it, since the eeprom is backed up at the beginning of that process?
So your box is soft modded right? Ok i will make this as easy as possible. Things you will need Xboxplorer- application http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RC6Q501G Agent under fire- save game exploit http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HE2H115D Alright let's get started, download both those files, Put them in the correct directory. Boxplorer should go in your apps folder in E or F drive The exploit will go in E:/UDATA/ Just take the folder named 4541000d and throw it in E:/UDATA. You may have to overwrite the files, if u have something there you want to save back it up first. -Next step restart your xbox so the app shows up. -Load box xplorer and go into E:/UDATA/4541000d/000000000000 -Your screen will look like this -Select Default.xbe and press A -You will see this screen -Go to system utilities and then select backup -Press A and you will see "backing up " or something like that -After you backed up u can go back into your dashboard -Choose filemanager and go to E:/UDATA/4541000d/000000000000 -You will see there is now a new folder named backup Just copy the eeprom.bin file and your good to go. NEVER AND I REPEAT NEVER ENTER IN THE HDD PASSWORD BY KEYBOARD
Didn't work, Liveinfo couldn't open it up, so I guess it's still the "fake" eeprom. I'll try removing the softmod and re-installing it, and hopefully that'll work. I just have to get Splinter Cell from a friend of mine.
I've never gotten the fake eeprom so i don't know what to tell you. I've been telling people to build the eerpom reader and read it from the mainboard. It's really easy to build (if you don't use radioshack 30awg wire). I'm sure it would be the right eeprom but i think the best thing to do is figure out why you are getting a bad eeprom. Maybe you should just take a different drive and lock it and see if it works. Liveinfo could be the problem if all these other programs didn't work.
Hi InKane, Did you ever get your HDD upgrade sorted out? I am having the same exact issue you have. Cannot for the life of me get a valid eeprom.bin. I was thinking about doing the softmod uninstall, reinstall thing too, but sure would like to know if you had success first. Thanks!
Yeah, I figured it out. I used Splinter Cell to get back to the softmod installer screen, and I backed up the eeprom that way. I checked it, and it worked.